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To particular numbers they therefore imputed great significance, asserting that "there are seven chords or harmonies, seven pleiads, seven vowels, and that certain parts of the bodies of animals change in the course of seven years." They carried to an extreme the numerical doctrine, assigning certain numbers as the representatives of a bird, a horse, a man.

The archer-goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim. The waves rolled the dead body of Orion to the land, and bewailing her fatal error with many tears, Diana placed him among the stars, where he appears as a giant, with a girdle, sword, lion's skin, and club. Sirius, his dog, follows him, and the Pleiads fly before him. The Pleiads were daughters of Atlas, and nymphs of Diana's train.

It is hard to tell how long it would have lasted, but just then a lubberly intrusive boy threw a great stone, which convulsed the firmament, the one at their feet, I mean. The six Pleiads disappeared as if in search of their lost sister; the belt of Orion was broken asunder, and a hundred worlds dissolved back into chaos.

It was evident that she had an object in keeping her presence on the road and her forlorn state unknown. Their progress was necessarily very slow. They reached the bottom of the town, and the Casterbridge lamps lay before them like fallen Pleiads as they turned to the left into the dense shade of a deserted avenue of chestnuts, and so skirted the borough.

Tennyson has a different theory of the Pleiads: "Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid." Locksley Hall. Byron alludes to the lost Pleiad: "Like the lost Pleiad seen no more below." See also Mrs. Hemans's verses on the same subject.

Tennyson has a different theory of the Pleiads: "Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid." Locksley Hall Byron alludes to the lost Pleiad: "Like the lost Pleiad seen no more below." See also Mrs. Heman's verses on the same subject.

He left the hall when the lights went out, and walked unnoticed and unmolested through pleiads of policemen to the nearest police station, where the superintendent was almost too excited to take any notice of his demand to be arrested. But to do him justice, the official yielded as soon as he understood the situation.

Tennyson has a different theory of the Pleiads: "Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid." Locksley Hall. Byron alludes to the lost Pleiad: "Like the lost Pleiad seen no more below." See also Mrs. Hemans's verses on the same subject.

The archer-goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim. The waves rolled the dead body of Orion to the land, and bewailing her fatal error with many tears, Diana placed him among the stars, where he appears as a giant, with a girdle, sword, lion's skin, and club. Sirius, his dog, follows him, and the Pleiads fly before him. The Pleiads were daughters of Atlas, and nymphs of Diana's train.

Without her, Heaven is dispossessed of Heaven, And Earth, discrowned and disinherited, Shall beg in black eclipse, until her eyes " "Stay," I interrupted, "unless I am mistaken her eyes are like the Pleiads, a simile to which I have more than once objected." "If you would only listen you would find those lines cut out," said Tom, pettishly.