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There seemed to be no satiating their desire for information. "It creates a vacuum," he cried desperately. "How does it create a vacuum?" "By the contraction of a muscular pimple in the centre," said Tom, in a moment of inspiration. "And what makes this pimple contract?" Tom lost his head, and was about to say "electricity," when he happily checked himself and substituted "muscular action."

"My little Nancy shows nor fleck nor pimple; Pliant and firm, is she, a reed for grace: In her smooth chin there's just one pretty dimple; That rounds the perfect measure of her face:" That dimple has been the destruction of many a heart:

"And what is that upon your cheek?" Scrooge muttered, with an unusual catching in his voice, that it was a pimple; and begged the Ghost to lead him where he would. "You recollect the way?" inquired the Spirit. "Remember it!" cried Scrooge with fervour "I could walk it blindfold." "Strange to have forgotten it for so many years!" observed the Ghost. "Let us go on."

The patient's eyelids flutter as one waves a handkerchief from the deck of a departing steamer then, breathing in the ether steadily, he falls into a dark slumber. He never wakes, and we keep our promise to him. A few days before the death of Tricot, a very annoying thing happened to him; a small excrescence, a kind of pimple, appeared on the side of his nose.

This method of taking nourishment implies an exceptional apparatus of the mouth, into which it behooves us to inquire before continuing. My most powerful magnifying glass at last discovers, at the center of the pimple head, a small spot of an amber-russet color; and that is all. For a more exhaustive examination we will employ the microscope.

Not only has the sitter been taken in the popular modern "one-twentieth face," showing only the back of the head, the left ear and what is either a pimple or a flaw in the print, but the whole thing is plunged in the deepest shadow. It is as if my uncle had been surprised by the camera while chasing a black cat in his coal-cellar on a moonlight night.

A new pimple could hardly break out on the blotched face of the moon, without a lecture from a professor next day to explain the theory of its development.

If Josette, when dressing her, chanced to discover a little pimple on the still satiny shoulders of mademoiselle, it became the subject of endless inquiries as to the various alimentary articles of the preceding week. And what a triumph when Josette reminded her mistress of a certain hare that was rather "high," and had doubtless raised that accursed pimple!

It had that look, peculiar to some men, of having been steeped in linseed oil, with its waxed dark moustaches and the little distinguished commencements of side whiskers; and concernedly he felt the promise of a pimple on the side of his slightly curved and fattish nose. In the meantime old Jolyon had found the remaining chair in Timothy's commodious drawing-room.

Upon which she immediately felt a sharp prick on her nose, whereon a large red pimple, as big as a cherry, made its appearance; her frock was torn to tatters, and on going to her wardrobe for another she found it quite empty, so she had to wear her rags all that day, as it was not until the next that the clothes came back to her wardrobe, and the pimple left her nose.