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Samuel exploded as if he had read the other's thought. "Nawthin' but men fer a hull week, that's my perscription fer yew! Haow dew yew feel naow, mate?" For answer Abe made a quick spring out of his chair, and in his bare feet commenced to dance a gentle, rheumatic-toe-considering breakdown, crying, "Hy-guy, Cap'n Sam'l, you've saved my life!"

"They took up a purse an' wanted to give me a perscription damn't, but I told 'em t' turn it in t' the Horspital. Any man w'd a' done same for a yellow dog. What d'y' want t' give a fellow a medal for not bein' stinkin' coward?" Eleanor laughed. It was a happy silver laugh like the light on the Ridge cataracts.

The Professor's tone was frank, his sincerity evident, but Simpson went on: "Don't ye? Perhaps Hutchin's has sent you to say, as he's sick it'd be well to run Robinson on both tickets eh?" "I don't know what you mean. I expected to meet Mr. Hutchings here. Is he ill?" "He'll get well soon, I reckon; but after taking a perscription from Gulmore, he's mighty bad and can't leave the house."

The Professor's tone was frank, his sincerity evident, but Simpson went on: "Don't ye? Perhaps Hutchin's has sent you to say, as he's sick it'd be well to run Robinson on both tickets eh?" "I don't know what you mean. I expected to meet Mr. Hutchings here. Is he ill?" "He'll get well soon, I reckon; but after taking a perscription from Gulmore, he's mighty bad and can't leave the house."

"I dun told the ossifer dar wus no one here you knows, answerin' to your perscription." "But that was only a measure of safety for yourself; you surely do not mean to take sides with my persecutors?" "I has nuffin at all to do wid it, at all," hunching her back; "I has gib you far warnin' 'bout de laudamy an' der retentions, an' you mus' fight it out yourself, chile!

Cap'n Sam'l's wuth twenty-five o' him." "Yew kept the perscription, didn't yer, cap'n?" demanded Angy. "Naow ef he should be took ag'in an' " Samuel turned away and coughed. "Mother, Mother," cried Abe, "shet the door an' come set deown er all the sisters'll come a-pilin' in. I've had a invite, I have!"