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So he and I to the waterside, and our horses coming by the ferry, we by oars over to Lambeth, and from thence, with brave discourse by the way, rode to Woolwich, where we eat and drank at Mr. Peat's, and discoursed of many businesses, and put in practice my new way of the Call-book, which will be of great use.

"He read at wine, he read in bed, He read aloud, had he the breath, His every thought was with the dead, And so he read himself to death." Any visitor to the old James the First graveyard near Peat's Hill may spell out this bit of doggerel, undoubtedly one of the worst recorded of an Elizabethan, on the tomb of Wessel Caster.

Why, there's Barzillay Smith, over to Peat's Corner, has kerried a potato in his pocket for five years, not the same potato, y' know; changes 'em when they begin to sprout, and he hesn't hed a touch o' rheumatism all that time. Not a touch! tol' me so himself." "Had he ever hed it before?" asked Dame Hartley. "I d'no as he hed," said Mr. Slocum, "But his father hed; an' his granf'ther before him.

So he and I to the waterside, and our horses coming by the ferry, we by oars over to Lambeth, and from thence, with brave discourse by the way, rode to Woolwich, where we eat and drank at Mr. Peat's, and discoursed of many businesses, and put in practice my new way of the Call-book, which will be of great use.

"It's verra true; but the weather's our master and we canna awtogether do what we like. The peat's mair important than a few brace of grouse." "Important to you!" Osborn rejoined. "But what about me and my friends? One has come from London for a few days' sport." "Then I'm sorry he has lost the afternoon," Kit interposed quietly.

I think you'll find he has a contract for all the coal that comes down the line." They pondered this and another remarked, "Peat's terrible messy stuff and bad to dry at back end o' year." "It can be dried," said an old man. "I mind the time when iver a load o' coals went past Allerby. Aw t' folk clubbed togedder to cut and haul t' peat from Malton.