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Lurton, going his round, found Charlton reading the New Testament. "Mr. Lurton, what a sublime prayer the Pater-noster is!" exclaimed Charlton. "Yes;" said Lurton, "it expresses so fully the only two feelings that can bring us to God a sense of guilt and a sense of dependence."

This was what the Spaniards had wanted, for long before we reached the goal, a company of Castilians, with white sheets over their armor, climbed out of a ditch in the dim light, threw themselves on their knees, murmured a 'Pater-noster, shouted their San Jago and pressed forward upon us.

After finishing the pater-noster, the little girl began the "Ave Maria;" but this was more than the scandalized deputy could endure. "I may not," he cried, starting up, "listen without sin to this idolatry. Better to smite " "I pray thee to have a little patience," said Winthrop, interrupting him. "None of its guilt attaches itself to us." "I know not that," replied Dudley.

The more you go, the better for you; so the good people spend the whole day from dawn to dusk roaming from one church to another, and investing an Ave and a Pater-Noster in each. This fills every street of the city with the pious crowd. No carriages are permitted. A silence like that of Venice falls on the rattling capital. With three hundred thousand people in the street, the town seems still.

But the most singular part of her attire, in this very Protestant country, was a rosary, in which the smaller beads were black oak, and those indicating the PATER-NOSTER of silver, with a crucifix of the same metal.

This was what the Spaniards had wanted, for long before we reached the goal, a company of Castilians, with white sheets over their armor, climbed out of a ditch in the dim light, threw themselves on their knees, murmured a 'Pater-noster, shouted their San Jago and pressed forward upon us.

In the tile-stone of the floor there is engraved a rosary: before it, on her bare knees, she said a pater-noster at every pearl there pointed out. Here is no chimney no hearth, no place for it. Cold and solitary it is, and was, here where the world's most far-famed woman dwelt, she who by her own sagacity, and by her contemporaries was raised to the throne of female saints.

Wilhelmina, lifting up her eyes, and seeing this sable apparition, which she mistook for Satan in propria persona, instantly screamed, and began to repeat her pater-noster with an audible voice.

For patients too sick to move or be moved, there were no remedies except those of a ghostly kind the Pater-noster or the Ave. For the prevention of diseases, prayers were put up in the churches, but no sanitary measures were resorted to.

And Father Haspinger's face became suddenly very grave and devout; he lifted the rosary hanging at his belt, and, while entering the city by the gate, he commenced praying a Pater-noster in an undertone. The city meanwhile was already in great commotion.