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Every page-in-waiting in the hall and long cool passages was a "Centaur" armed to the teeth. Don Cesare, it seems, had walked into a steel trap at last. Do you wonder that Amilcare could afford a supple back?

An equerry, a page-in-waiting, or what was still more commonplace as well as ominous, a detective, lurked about him, ever near, ever ready to spring on any unknown intruder, or to answer his slightest call.

And is that true love?" "Love should kill love, if need were." "Love shall," said Vincent in a whisper. Whereupon Isoult smiled on him. They fell to chatting again, discussing possibilities, or facts, which were safer ground. Isoult heard the stroke of ten. Presently after, the page-in-waiting sang out a challenge. A shuffling step stopped, a cracked voice asked for Messire Prosper le Gai.

We entered the first room, and gave a card to the page-in-waiting 'Mr Montefiore, presented by the Duke of Norfolk. There appeared to be four or five hundred persons in the waiting-room, mostly naval and military officers in full uniform, also many bishops, clergymen, and barristers. The crush was most fatiguing and annoying. It was four o'clock when we reached the second room.

Among the ministers I still seem to see the form of Coletti, resplendent in his Greek costume a true patriot and a devoted friend to France and then there was the Swedish Minister, Comte de Loevenhielm, a charming old gentleman, who had been page-in-waiting on Gustavus III. the night he was murdered. The Spanish Ambassador changed with every pronunciamiento.

His Grace was in one of his sublime fits, and did not rise. Luigi consoled himself for the bore of this protracted attendance by diddling the page-in-waiting at dominos. The Duke of St. James was in one of his sublime fits. He had commenced by thinking of May Dacre, and he ended by thinking of himself.