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His father is the Reverent Mr Clare at Emminster a good many miles from here." "Oh I have heard of him," said her companion, now awake. "A very earnest clergyman, is he not?" "Yes that he is the earnestest man in all Wessex, they say the last of the old Low Church sort, they tell me for all about here be what they call High. All his sons, except our Mr Clare, be made pa'sons too."

They read that sort of thing as fast as a night-hawk will whir. 'Tis all learning there nothing but learning, except religion. And that's learning too, for I never could understand it. Yes, 'tis a serious-minded place. Not but there's wenches in the streets o' nights... You know, I suppose, that they raise pa'sons there like radishes in a bed?

Now they wished to get the job finished by a particular Sunday, so the men had to work late Saturday night, against their will, for overtime was not paid then as 'tis now. There was no true religion in the country at that date, neither among pa'sons, clerks, nor people, and to keep the men up to their work the vicar had to let 'em have plenty of drink during the afternoon.

"Don't speak like that to her!" said d'Urberville, his face blackening with something that was not Christianity. "Indeed, Mister! And what mid Methodist pa'sons have to do with she?" "Who is the fellow?" asked d'Urberville, turning to Tess. She went close up to him. "Go I do beg you!" she said. "What! And leave you to that tyrant? I can see in his face what a churl he is." "He won't hurt me.

"Oh, never mind that!" said Miss Unity hastily, "we don't want to know." "Please let her talk," put in Pennie beseechingly. "Father says," continued Kettles, her sharp eyes glancing rapidly from one face to the other, "as how he won't have no 'strict ladies in his house; nor no pa'sons nuther," she added.

And privately to his neighbours: "Why, one of them jobbing pa'sons swarming about here, that takes the services when our head reverends want a holiday, wouldn't ha' discoursed such doctrine for less than a guinea down? Hey? I'll take my oath not one o' 'em would! And then he must have had it wrote down for 'n. And this only a working-man!"