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I can give her time to arrive, for I am over-well occupied with her concurrentes. Celles-ci don't keep me waiting, par exemple! These young ladies are Americans, and you know that it is the national character to move fast. "All right go ahead!" Ah, par exemple, elle brule ses vais-seux cella-la!

Sir knight, said Sir Palomides, I pray you to lend me your armour and your shield, for mine is over-well known in this field, and that hath done me great damage; and ye shall have mine armour and my shield that is as sure as yours. I will well, said the knight, that ye have mine armour and my shield, if they may do you any avail.

"Good evening, neighbors," he said. "How are you making out?" "Not over-well," answered Luke. "There's a difference in claims. You've got a poor one." "Probably you are right." "There's been considerable gold dust gathered in Oreville within six months. I have been one of the lucky ones." "Indeed! I am glad of it." "Yes; I found a nugget two months since that I sold for two thousand dollars.

He thought much of me, and I had a high opinion of him; and so we used to sit for hours, and talk over the deeds of the old continentals. Your mother and him didn't get along over-well together; she had more dignity than he could well digest: but that is neither here nor there." "I hope, in time," interrupts Tom, "to repay your kindness.

He thought much of me, and I had a high opinion of him; and so we used to sit for hours, and talk over the deeds of the old continentals. Your mother and him didn't get along over-well together; she had more dignity than he could well digest: but that is neither here nor there." "I hope, in time," interrupts Tom, "to repay your kindness.

At a quarter-past one they were all riding away towards the Forest, and presently the serious business began. Vixen and her father were riding side by side. "You are so pale, papa. Is your head bad again to-day?" "Yes, my dear. I'm afraid I've started a chronic headache. But the fresh air will blow it away presently, I daresay. You're not looking over-well yourself, Vixen.