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The allied Press was over-hopeful, right being certain to triumph over might wedded to wrong. Publicists pitied the Teutons in anticipation of the fate that was fast overtaking them. Pæans of victory resounded, allaying the apprehensions and numbing the energies of the leagued nations. The German, it was asseverated, had shot his bolt and was at bay.

"Operation?" she managed to choke out at last. Operation was a fairly common word in Ward C, and not an over-hopeful one. "It's this way, Thumbkin; and let's make a bargain of it. I think there's a cure for that back of yours. It hasn't been tried very much; about often enough to make it worth while for us to take a chance.

Bennoch, is rather over-hopeful about this amendment, for I am still in a state in which the slightest falling back would carry me off, and in which I can hardly think it possible to weather the winter. If that incredible contingency should arise, what a happiness it would be to see you in April! But I must content myself with the charming little portrait you have sent me, which is your very self.

As time went on, he was obliged to change the tone of his letters, and to admit that he had been over-hopeful; he reluctantly acknowledged that Kentucky would certainly refuse to become a Spanish province, and that all that was possible to hope for was separation and an alliance with Spain.

While Miro was corresponding with Wilkinson and arranging for pensioning both him and Sebastian, Gardoqui was busy at New York. Gardoqui was an over-hopeful man, accustomed to that diplomacy which acts on the supposition that every one has his price. He was sure that they could all be reached by underhand and corrupt influences of some kind, if he could only find out where to put on the pressure.

'Perhaps I am over-hopeful, he cried, turning from hot to cold, as a man doth when he is in love, or hath the tertian ague, or other bodily trouble. 'God knows that I am little worthy of her, and yet 'Set not your heart too firmly upon that which may prove to be beyond your reach, said I. 'The old man is rich, and will look higher.