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"Hello!" cried Mead, "Miss Perry gone already?" "She was very tired," said Patty veraciously, but evasively. "Awfully jolly girl, isn't she Mead?" said Hawley, with the expansiveness of the newly-wed. "Handsome, too?" "Perhaps she is, but so long as she dresses like a veiled prophet it is hard to tell."

Now Liu and his wife said to each other: "It seems hard to leave the newly-wed bride alone for her first night under our roof. Would it not be better to tell Prudence to go and keep her company?" As always, the father made certain objections which were not listened to.

Inez retained a lively sense of the service rendered to her only son, and the impression had been increased not only by the appearance of the Israelite, which, dignified and stately, bore no likeness to the cringing servility of his brethren, but also by the singular beauty and gentle deportment of his then newly-wed bride, whom he had wooed and won in that holy land, sacred equally to the faith of Christian and of Jew.

When the bride saw that what she had feared was coming to pass, she repaired to the Angel of Death and argued with him: "The Torah distinctly exempts the newly-wed from all duties for a whole year. If thou deprivest my husband of life, thou wilt give the lie to the Torah."

In an instant, he had gone to her, had caught her in his arms with, "Hello, dear!" smothered in the kiss he implanted on her lips. Mary strove vainly to free herself. "Don't, oh, don't!" she gasped. Dick Gilder released his wife from his arms and smiled the beatific smile of the newly-wed. "Why not?" he demanded, with a smile, a smile calm, triumphant, masterful.

A woman doctor of Philadelphia was calling on a young sister, recently married, who was in distress. In response to the doctor's inquiry the newly-wed said: "I cooked a meal for the first time yesterday, and I made an awful mess of it." "Never mind, dearie," said the doctor, cheerfully; "it's nothing to worry about. I lost my first patient."