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We are situated on top of a mountain while the Spaniards are down in the valley. They bring quite a number of sick people out every morning. I have even become so acquainted with the men of the battalion, Captain Garcia commanding, that they call me Senor Neis. I have named one, who is the real picture of an Irishman of the Mick type, "Mickey," and his comrades call him such.

I attempt to appeal to the reason of my obstreperous audience by standing on the menzil front and delivering a harangue in such Persian as I have at command. "Sowar shuk, neis, tomasha, caravanserai neis rah koob neis.

The people themselves have very little regard for the ordinary proprieties of civilized life and children run stark naked on the streets. The following letter has been received from Claude Neis of Company G, First District of Columbia volunteers: Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 9, 1898. You said that Mr. Balcke's son was killed in Santiago.

The caravanserai itself stands on a slight elevation, and is found occupied by a couple of families, who make the place their permanent abode and gain a livelihood by supplying food, firewood, and horse-feed to travellers. Upon our arrival, a woman makes her appearance and announces her willingness to cater to our wants. "Noon ass?" "Yes, plenty of bread." "Toke-me-morge neis f"

"Shutor neis." "No village, with people to assist with poles or skins to make a raft?" The result of the conference I have been so anxiously looking forward to is anything but an encouraging picture a picture of insurmountable obstacles on every hand.

About the question of the Heir Apparent smoking the kalian with me he betrays as lively an interest as anybody in the room, but he maintains a discreet silence until I answer in the negative, when he surveys his guests with the air of one who pities their ignorance, and says, "Kalian neis."

After queries have been propounded to me in all these tongues, my intellectual interviewer gives me up in despair, and, addressing the crowd about us, cries out in astonishment: "Parsee neis! Turkchi binmus! Hindostani nay! Paruski nicht! mashallah, what language does he speak?" "Ingilis! Ingilis! Ingilis!" shout at least a dozen more knowing people than himself.

He looks the veriest cutthroat, and, curious to penetrate the secret of his intentions, and perchance secure something interesting for my note-book, I at length make pretence of acceding to his wishes. Bystanders at once interfere to prevent him enticing me away, and when he angrily remonstrates he is hustled unceremoniously out into the street. "He is a bad man," they say; "neis koob adam."

"Neis; loke-me-morge-neis." "Sheerah ass?" "Sheerah neis." "What have you then besides bread?" For answer the woman points to a few beruffled chickens scratching for grains of barley among a heap of rubbish that has evidently been exploited by them times without number before, and says she can sell us chickens at one keran apiece.

"The English have money and would build the railroad; but, 'Mollah neis' Baron Reuter? you know Baron Reuter Mollah neis, not 'pool neis."