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"Oh," cried Vincent, "I remember some lines so applicable to your remark, that I must forthwith interrupt you, in order to introduce them. Madame de Stael said, in one of her works, that melancholy was a source of perfection. Listen now to my author "'Une femme nous dit, et nous prouve en effet, Qu'avant quelques mille ans l'homme sera parfait, Qu'il devra cet etat a la melancolie.

On sait que la tristesse annonce le genie; Nous avons deja fait des progres etonnans, Que de tristes ecrits que de tristes romans! Des plus noires horreurs nous sommes idolatres, Et la melancolie a gagne nos theatres." "What!" cried I, "are you so well acquainted with my favourite book?" "Your's!" exclaimed Vincent. "'Tell us what hath chanced to-day, That Caesar looks so sad?"

In a gay French company, where every one sang a little song or stanza, of which the burden was "Bannissons la Melancolie," when it came to his turn to sing, after the performance of a young lady that sat next him, he produced these extemporary lines "Mais cette voix, et ces beaux yeux, Font Cupidon trop dangereux, Et je suis triste quand je crie Bannissons la Melancolie."

B. vitelline Bile non naturelle B. praline. B. aerugineuse. B. brulee, 3 especes. Sang naturel. non naturel, 5 especes. Melancolie naturelle. non naturelle, 5 especes. =============================================================== His "Surgery" was one of the most important text-books of the late Middle Ages.

"Oh," cried Vincent, "I remember some lines so applicable to your remark, that I must forthwith interrupt you, in order to introduce them. Madame de Stael said, in one of her works, that melancholy was a source of perfection. Listen now to my author "'Une femme nous dit, et nous prouve en effet, Qu'avant quelques mille ans l'homme sera parfait, Qu'il devra cet etat a la melancolie.

Coppée had striven to simplify language; he had versified the street cries, Achetez la France, le Soir, le Rappel; he had sought to give utterance to humble sentiments as in "Le Petit Epicier de Montrouge," the little grocer qui cassait le sucre avec mélancolie; Richepin had boldly and frankly adopted the language of the people in all its superb crudity.

On sait que la tristesse annonce le genie; Nous avons deja fait des progres etonnans, Que de tristes ecrits que de tristes romans! Des plus noires horreurs nous sommes idolatres, Et la melancolie a gagne nos theatres." "What!" cried I, "are you so well acquainted with my favourite book?" "Your's!" exclaimed Vincent.

"And of himselfe imaginid he ofte To ben defaitid, pale and woxin lesse Than he was wonte, and that men saidin softe, What may it be? who can the sothe gesse, Why Troilus hath al this hevinesse? And al this n' as but his melancolie, That he had of himselfe suche fantasie.

Coppée had striven to simplify language; he had versified the street cries, Achetez la France, le Soir, le Rappel; he had sought to give utterance to humble sentiments as in "Le Petit Epicier de Montrouge," the little grocer qui cassait le sucre avec mélancolie; Richepin had boldly and frankly adopted the language of the people in all its superb crudity.

The barmaid falls in love with No. 1 because he wipes a glass better than No. 2, and Mary fell in love with Coppee on account of his sonnet "Le Lys," and she grew indifferent when he wrote poems like "La Nourrice" or "Le petit epicier de Montrouge qui cassait le sucre avec melancolie." And it was at this time when their love story was at wane that I became a competitor.