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Mynie Boltwood got back from the other side of the bay with a load of clothes, and Hill removed his wet garments, wrung them out, dried them in the sun, and was soon back in his complete wardrobe, and but little the worse for his drenching. Clancy, hoping to develop something in the nature of a clew, searched the pockets of Burton's clothes. He found nothing to repay his search.

"Have our clothes ready for us when we call for them, that's all." "What're you trying to do?" demanded the oarsman. "We've got two fellows to pick up," Clancy answered, "and I'm going to help. Are you a friend of Burton's?" "I get half he makes for handlin' the boat for him." "How long has he been doing this?" "Yesterday and to-day." "And your name is " "Mynie Boltwood."

"I'll work this diving stunt with Mynie Boltwood," Burton answered, "and see if I can't get together a bit of a stake." "Come around to the Bolingbroke in the morning, Burton, and ask for me." "Changed your mind? Think you'll turn me over to the police, after all?" "Haven't any such idea. I think you could be decent, if you'd give your mind to it.

We'll return to the curio store and see if Lopez has got back from the other side of the island." Mynie Boltwood displayed little curiosity regarding Burton. The five-dollar gold piece had evidently blinded him, muzzled him, and tied up his ears. He rowed Clancy and Hill back to the pier, and they left the boat and proceeded to the establishment of Jack Lopez.

"The last person in the world I was expecting to see through the glass bottom of that boat was Hank Burton. It was the surprise of my life, and no mistake." There was something here which Mynie Boltwood could not understand. He was not ambitious in the acquirement of knowledge, however, and merely did as he was told and let it go at that. Burton sat up in the boat's bottom, and peered at Clancy.

"I used to be swimming instructor in a gymnasium," proceeded Burton, "and as soon as we reached Avalon I made a deal with Mynie Boltwood, who owns a boat, and we took to snorkin' the tourists. Gerald was still the tightwad, and I couldn't live on prospects, no matter how rosy they might be. Sunday afternoon, while I was out diving, Gerald and Bob called on Lopez.

"Well right, Mynie Boltwood! Steady it is, now, and we'll pick up the two in the water." "Never mind me, Clancy," sang out Hill, who had come to the surface, and was swimming easily despite the weight of the wet clothing he had on. "Burton is purty nigh tuckered. Take care o' him first."

"You saw Lopez pretty soon after you gave us the slip at Sugarloaf Rock?" Clancy asked. "Quite a long time after that. I laid low in town until Mynie Boltwood brought me my clothes. You see, I was expecting every minute you'd have an officer on my trail, so I didn't stir around very much." "Lopez is a friend of yours?"