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"Gee!" he murmured in an undertone. Then, with an evident effort, he offered a greeting. "Ho, you, Zip! Drawn a blank way up ther' on your mudbank?" Scipio looked up in a dazed fashion. Then he halted and seemed to pull himself together. Finally he spoke. "Howdy?" he said in a mechanical sort of way. "Guess I'm a heap better," responded Sunny, with twinkling eyes.

Down this we whooped at the full speed of our thirty-horsepower engine. Occasional natives, waist deep and fishing, stared after us open-eyed. The Yankee ventured a guess as to how hard she would hit on a mudbank. She promptly proved his guess a rank underestimate by doing so. We fell in a heap on the bottom. The dhow bore down on us with majestic momentum.

As the fore part of the canoe had touched on a mudbank, Lawrence seized one of the Indian's lances, and used the butt end as a pole with which to push off. Under this impulse the canoe was gradually sliding into deep water, when a rustling of the leaves was heard, and next instant a full-sized jaguar sprang upon the Indian with cat-like agility.

Austin departed from Mount Laurels, leaving her to sink into an agreeable stupor, like one deposited on a mudbank after buffeting the waves.

Noble rivers have their own natural defects of swamp and mudbank. Sometimes his tides ran sluggishly, as in 'The Battle of Life, for example, which has always seemed to me, at least, a most mawkish and unreal book. The pure stream of 'The Carol, which washes the heart of a man, runs thin in 'The Chimes, runs thinner in 'The Haunted Man, and in 'The Battle of Life' is lees and mud.

He took off from the last dry spot, felt himself flying through the air, felt himself, without any shock, planted upright in an extremely soft and sticky mudbank. It was only when he tried to move his legs and found he couldn't that, in his own words, "he came to himself." He began to think of the "bally long spears."

The two corpses, still linked in that fierce dying grip, had been picked up on a mudbank. An inquest had been held, at which an open verdict was returned, and they were buried.

Nay, it goes beyond that. Consider every molecule of air to be a mudbank in itself. Then try to imagine the multitudinous impact of mudbanks. No; it is beyond me. Language may be adequate to express the ordinary conditions of life, but it cannot possibly express any of the conditions of so enormous a blast of wind.

Luckily, it seemed as easy to get off the mudbank as to get on it, and we finally got into positions we wanted to for making sketches of various points. The pantomimic violence of the sergeant, together with diagrams in my sketch-book, were ultimately successful. Nearly all the Tigris steamers proceeding up river have loaded lighters on each side of them.

The vast mound upon which this city was built had the appearance of being artificial, but very possibly the soil whereof it was formed had been washed up in past ages during times of flood, so that from a mudbank in the centre of the broad river it grew by degrees to its present proportions.