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The county leader's working features did not resemble General Grant's. In that unhappy moment he experienced the pangs of unhonored parenthood. Presently he put out his hand. "I'm sorry I offended you, Ross. I supposed myself too seasoned a campaigner to mind mud-slinging." Shelby laughed apologies away and they parted friends. On the threshold it occurred to Bowers to ask:

Mind you I ain't making any threats, but when it comes to gossip and scandal and mud-slinging look out for the little old organization that's all!" Carton had set his tenacious jaw. "You can go as far as you like, Murtha," was all he said, with a grim smile. Murtha looked at him a moment, then his manner changed. "Carton," he said in a milder tone, at length, "what's the use of all this bluffing?

I do not think a politician could be a special acrobat with either of these Commandments and stay in public life in Canada. The clergy would "peel off" those coats and roll up their sleeves and get into the fight. There would be a lot of mud-slinging; but the culprit would go as not a few have gone in recent years.

But while he chafed inwardly, and sometimes expressed himself with more force than elegance in the presence of his friends, he maintained an outward calm and dignity. His bitterest feeling was reserved for Clay, who was known to be the chief inspirer of the National Republicans' mud-slinging campaign.

The wonder is that the country ever got governed at all, but it seems that all public men who had any fixed and sensible ideas and wished to see them carried out, had to make themselves callous, pachydermatous, hardened against this offensive mud-slinging. Of course politics did not elevate the man, nor the man politics, while things went on thus.

Kahn had been surveying Carton keenly, now and then taking a shifty glance at Kennedy and myself. As Carton rapped out the last words, as if in the nature of an ultimatum, Kahn gazed at him in amazement. Here was a man whom he knew he could neither bribe, bully, or bulldoze. "You must consider this, too," he added pointedly. "There has been a good deal of mud-slinging in this campaign.

The murderer is there, not in London, and, unless my intellect is failing, he will be tried for his life at the next Lewes Assizes. Meanwhile, may I give you a bit of advice?" "By all means." "Employ a sound lawyer, one who will avoid needless mud-slinging. Good day! Send those letters to the Yard by to-night's post if practicable." "It shall be done."

"I've got it to do," said Kent. "Afterward, perhaps I'll come around for some of the good things. I am not in this for health or pleasure. Can I count on you after the mud-slinging begins?" Hildreth reflected further, disregarding the foreman's reproachful calls for copy. "I'll go you," he said at last; "and I'll undertake to swing the chief into line.