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Added to this, Minha does not wish to grieve Madame Valdez by getting married at a distance from her. When we were married, Joam, if your mother had been alive, would you not have liked her to be present at your wedding?" At these words of Yaquita Joam made a movement which he could not repress.

Minha had a room away from the others, which was not by any means the least comfortably designed. This, the principal house, was carefully made of weather-boarding, saturated with boiling resin, and thus rendered water-tight throughout. It was capitally lighted with windows on all sides. In front, the entrance-door gave immediate access to the common room.

The long festoon of the liana curled round its higher branches, moving away to the other side of the clearing, and disappeared again into the forest. "Shall we stop soon?" asked Manoel. "No; a thousand times no!" cried Benito, "not without having reached the end of it!" "Perhaps," observed Minha, "it will soon be time to think of returning."

Minha had accepted the offer with much pleasure, and so, after breakfast on the day we speak of, at about eleven o'clock, the two young men and the two girls met on the bank at the angle where the two streams joined. One of the blacks went with them.

I will commence by speaking to the mother, and I think I can promise that you will not have to wait long for her consent." Half an hour afterward he had done so. Benito had nothing to tell his mother which she did not know; Yaquita had already divined the young people's secret. Before ten minutes had elapsed Benito was in the presence of Minha.

The passengers landed on a flat beach, on which were to be found not only boats from the interior, but a few of those little schooners which are used in the coasting-trade on the Atlantic seaboard. When the two girls entered Ega they were at first much astonished. "What a large town!" said Minha.

At these words Yaquita and Minha, struck with stupor, stopped without any power to move. "My father a murderer?" exclaimed Benito, rushing toward Joam Garral. By a gesture his father silenced him. "I will only ask you one question," said Joam with firm voice, addressing the chief of police.

Benito, Manoel, and Minha tried all they could together to extract the secret from the document on which depended their father's life and honor. On his part, Fragoso, aided by Lina, could not remain quiet, but all their ingenuity had failed, and the number still escaped them. "Why don't you find it, Fragoso?" asked the young mulatto. "I will find it," answered Fragoso. And he did not find it!

Joam Garral would probably wish the marriage to take place at Iquitos, with grand ceremonies and the attendance of the whole staff of the fazenda, but if such was to be his idea he would have to withstand a vigorous attack concerning it. "Manoel," Minha said to her betrothed, "if I was consulted in the matter we should not be married here, but at Para.

Minha was a trifle sorrowful, but the joyous Lina was quite unaffected at leaving Iquitos. Minha Valdez would be the same to her as Minha Garral, and to check her spirits she would have to be separated from her mistress, and that was never thought of. Benito had actively assisted his father in the work, which was on the point of completion.