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Meerberger vive Meerberger vive l'Auteur des Franc Macons vive Franc Macons," &c. Before I could turn to look for the hero of the scene, my legs were taken from under me, and I felt myself lifted by several strong men and held out in front of the box, while the whole audience, rising en masse, saluted me yes, me, Harry Lorrequer with a cheer that shook the building.

The startled look of the poor fellow as he neared the door to escape, roused me from my hallucination, and awakened me to the conviction that the suspicion of lunacy might be a still heavier infliction than the personation of Monsieur Meerberger.

"That is the most astonishing part of all; for they say in Strasbourg that his performance upon the violin was far finer than Paganini's; but there seems some secret in it, after all: for Madame Baptiste swears that he is Meerberger; and in fact the matter is far from being cleared up nor can it be till he is apprehended."

"And so it turned out not to be Meerberger, after all,": said the listener. "Of course not," replied the other.

The startled look of the poor fellow as he neared the door to escape, roused me from my hallucination, and awakened me to the conviction that the suspicion of lunacy might be a still heavier infliction than the personation of Monsieur Meerberger.

How will they account for the mysterious disappearance of Monsieur Meerberger? Poor Amelie Grandet! For so completely had the late incidents engrossed my attention, that I had for the moment lost sight of the most singular event of all how I came to be mistaken for the illustrious composer.

"That is the most astonishing part of all; for they say in Strasbourg that his performance upon the violin was far finer than Paganini's; but there seems some secret in it, after all: for Madame Baptiste swears that he is Meerberger; and in fact the matter is far from being cleared up nor can it be till he is apprehended."

Scarcely was my my resolve taken, when a new burst of voices arose from the pit the words "l'Auteur," "l'Auteur," mingling with loud cries for "Meerberger," "Meerberger," to appear. So, thought I, it seems the great composer is here. Oh, by Jove! I must have a peep at him before I go.

"So, then, don't wait supper, Amelie; but take care of Monsieur Meerberger till my return." Thus, once more were we left to our souvenirs, in which, whenever hard pushed myself, I regularly carried the war into the enemy's camp, by allusions to incidents, which I need not observe had never occurred.

"Monsieur Meerberger, I have a surprise for you such as you have not had for some time, I venture to say" "I defy you on this head," thought I. "If they make me out king Solomon now, it will not amaze me" "And when I tell you my secret," continued he, "you will acknowledge I cannot be of a very jealous disposition.