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"Who is this Joe?" I asked. "He must be quite a man-eater." "I ain't going to tell you any more. You'll know him when you see him. "I'm going now. Would you like some fish? The trout were biting good this morning. I've got more'n we need." We went down to the shore together. There were between thirty and forty beauties of sea-trout in the bottom of her boat. She handed me out a dozen.

"It was nearly a year after the leper's death that alarming rumours of a man-eater having been at work again were spread about us. Several niggers were carried off or badly bitten, and the wounded showed symptoms of the loathsome disease so well known and feared by us all leprosy. "I knew from that it must be the same tiger.

For a moment the boys had lain paralyzed with the sudden advent of the terrible man-eater, and then had, like the rest, darted away. "To the jungle!" Ned exclaimed; and in an instant they had plunged into the undergrowth, and were forcing their way at full speed through it.

There was a certain wobbly buoyancy in its gait and a jauntiness about its waving white trunk, which was locked at the end, as Mary explained, to guard against the ferocious assaults of this terrible man-eater, which never failed to convulse the audience and put them in the proper humor for the rest of the performance. The snake-charmer exhibited her paper pets.

Yet they pronounced him an apostate and a heretic of incendiary purpose, and condemned him to the old lion in the Cynegion, Tamerlane, famous these many years as a man-eater.... My Lord should also know of the rumor in the city which attributes the Creed of Nine Words 'I believe in God, and Jesus Christ, his Son' to the Princess Irene; and her action would seem to justify the story.

The intelligence that Man-Eater, who was a most noble Indian in appearance and character, brought us, confirmed that already received, namely, that the Sauks were gradually drawing north, towards the Portage, although he evidently did not know exactly their whereabouts.

It is not like the tigers one sees in menageries, drugged and deprived of their natural weapons teeth and claws. It comes direct from India, where its reputation as a man-eater is widespread. I am not, however, intimidated its growls merely amuse me." Quaking all over, he approached the cage, and staring fixedly into the tiger's face, made the prescribed passes.

I once went to visit a Namaqua chief, who had been severely wounded by a lion of this description a man-eater, as the Major terms them, and he gave me the following dreadful narrative, which certainly corroborates what they assert of the lion who has once taken a fancy to human flesh.

Man-eater, that's what he calls Diablo, and he wants to give the hoss away to the first man that can ride him. Hal Dunbar heard about it and sent up word that he was coming up to ride him." "He must be a brave man," said Bull innocently. He had an immense capacity for admiring others. "Brave?" The proprietor paused as though this had not occurred to him before.

It is supposed that Ryall, after watching for some considerable time, must have come to the conclusion that the lion was not going to make its appearance that night, for he lay down on the lower berth and dozed off. No sooner had he done so, doubtless, than the cunning man-eater began cautiously to stalk the three sleepers.