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I don't know and I did not have a chance to see. Wherefore I am about to do some work. Let me have the controls, Morey, will you?" Arcot made a new ship. It was made entirely, perforce, of cosmium, lux and relux, for those were the only forms of matter he could create in space permanently from energy.

Some lattice windows, evidently at some time out of doors, but now on the inner walls, showed that in more recent times the house had been enlarged, and the old courtyard walled in and made part of the hall. Over one of these windows is the inscription, "Post tenebras lux."

Arcot dematerialized his tremendous tools, and the wall of the Ancient Mariner was neatly patched with relux smoothed over as perfectly as before. A second time, using some of the relux he had brought within the ship, and the inner wall was rebuilt. The job was absolutely perfect, save that now, where there had been lux, there was an outer wall of relux.

It was finally agreed that the necessary plans and blueprints were to be given to the Nansalians, who could start production at once. The biggest problem was in the supply of lux and relux, which, because of their vast energy-content, required the atomic converters of the Ancient Mariner to make them. The Earthmen agreed to supply the power and the necessary materials to begin operations.

I saw the muzzle of his pistol as he was aiming and jumped in the way of the bullet. There is not much damage done." "We'd better get back to the city," Arcot said. "Fuller and Wade might be in danger!" They bundled the Satorian spy into the ship, where Morey tied him further with thin strands of lux cable no bigger than a piece of string. Torlos looked at it and shook his head.

Stopped and backed out! The tremendously strong relux and lux had withstood the blow, and these strange, inhumanly powerful men had not been injured! Two of the ships darted toward him simultaneously, flashing out molecular rays. The rays glanced off of Arcot's screen already in place, but the tubes were showing almost at once that this could not be sustained.

"'Tis a dirge for those that are gone," said Brother Anselm; and crossing themselves, the Brothers chanted out the sonorous response: "Et lux perpetua luceat eis." As they reached the open gate, the little band they waited for came slowly down the forest pathway. Four Brothers, only four; and lo! on their shoulders they bore a rude bier of pine-branches.

"And when Apollo had finished, a light wind arose and carried the song through the whole of Greece, and wherever a child in the cradle heard only a tone of it, that child grew into a poet." What poet? Famed by what song? Will he not perhaps be a lyric poet? The same happens with "Lux in Tenebris."

Both of these projectors are protected. The walls of the ship are made of an outer wall of heavy lux metal, a vacuum between, and an inner wall of heavy relux. The lux is stronger than relux, and is therefore used for an outer shell. The inner shell of relux will reflect any dangerous rays and serve to hold the heat in the ship, since a perfect reflector is a perfect non-radiator.

It is made of cosmic ray photons, as lux is made of light photons, but the inexpressibly tighter bond makes the strength enormous. It cannot be handled by any means save by artificial matter tools. "And now I am going to give a demonstration of the theatrical possibilities of this new agent. Hardly scientific but amusing." But it wasn't exactly amusing. Arcot again donned the headpiece.