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It is curious to see, in his own intense antipathy to a slaveholding aristocracy, how purely American he is in spite of his theories; and, bitterly hostile as he is to the Davis administration, he may chance on the reflection that a majority is pretty much the same thing in one parallel of latitude as another.

On the coast of Melville Island they had passed the latitude of one hundred and ten degrees, and the men had become entitled to a royal bounty of five thousand pounds. This group of islands Parry called North Georgian, but they are usually called by his own name, Parry Islands. This was the first European winter party in the Arctic circle. Its details are familiar enough.

Thus, having a shadow of protection thrown around it, and being afforded the widest latitude of conduct by its governor who fully realized that it was nothing but a nest of pirates Tortugas flamed into a mad prosperity. "That little desert island yonder became the wildest and most abandoned place that the world probably has ever seen.

Let the imagination survey the whole range of the Andes for their vast extent of sixty degrees of latitude. On every level space are seen the signs of culture and human habitation, fields green with the early grain, or yellow with the harvest.

Strange to say, the weather was never at all oppressively hot after latitude 2 degrees north, or thereabouts. A fine wind, or indeed a light wind, at sea removes all unpleasant heat even of the hottest and most perpendicular sun.

The latitude, from concurrent measurement of the Giant, the Bull, Orion, Aldebaran, and other constellations in the absence of the sun was ascertained to be a little above seventy-six degrees, and the variations of the needle were accurately noted. On the 24th January it was clear weather and comparatively mild, so that Heemskerk, with De Veer and another, walked to the strand.

In the opinion of our botanist, it is not probable that the plant could be introduced with success into our country, for in the Philippines it is not found north of latitude 14° N. The coffee-plant is well adapted to these islands.

In South America they are not found farther than 48 degrees of latitude, measured from the southern pole; in North America it appears that the limit of their transportal extends to 53 1/2 degrees from the northern pole; but in Europe to not more than 40 degrees of latitude, measured from the same point.

And what is in question?” I continued, after the silent pause. “To accomplish a few degrees of latitude, and that while the sea is open, while we have two months of good weather to look for, and nothing to fear from the southern winter. I certainly should not ask you to brave its severity. And shall we hesitate, when the Halbrane is abundantly furnished, her crew complete and in good health?

It could only be an island; and, if a judgment might be formed from the degree of cold which our voyagers had experienced in that latitude, it could not be a fertile one. Besides, our commander would hereby have been kept two months longer at sea, and that in a tempestuous latitude, with which the ship was not in a condition to struggle.