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General von Klitzing, I have nominated you commander in chief of all the fortifications, as you, Colonels von Kracht, von Rochow, and von Burgsdorf, commandants of Berlin, Spandow, and Küstrin. You may perceive from this that a new era has dawned, and that we have great things to expect from the future. Gentlemen, the time for waiting and delay is past.

Besides General von Klitzing and Colonel Conrad von Burgsdorf, the Colonels von Rochow and von Kracht are there." "These four gentlemen must be admitted to me," ordered the count. "The other people had better go, for I have no time to-day to grant audiences. Well, why do you stand there loitering? Why do you not go?"

He showed Herr von Kracht his orders, signed by the Elector himself, and, as he came with a strong posse, the colonel could not resist, but was obliged to submit." "It is well; I thank you," said John Adolphus quietly, and the officer took his leave.

"Two hours ago such a cursed fellow came to me at Spandow, and when he had delivered me his message I left the fool standing there without any answer, threw myself on my horse, and galloped off to confer with your excellency." "And such a confounded popinjay has been with me, too!" growled Herr von Kracht. "He also imparted to me his Electoral message command, the fellow called it.

Upon the Colonels von Kracht and von Rochow he has bestowed good positions, making them commandants of Berlin and Spandow, with double salaries, but me, whom he knows to be the faithful servant of the Electoral family, he has banished from court and sent to Küstrin with only half as high a salary as the other two have.

A courier, sent to Regensburg by Herr von Kracht, commandant of Berlin, immediately upon the decease of Count Adam Schwarzenberg, had prompted his son Count John Adolphus to expedite his departure from that place, and to journey by forced stages to Berlin. He repaired first to Spandow. and had his father's embalmed remains interred with great pomp in the village church.

With unseemly haste they rushed into the cabinet, unceremoniously thrust out the lackey, and closed the door behind him. "Most gracious sir, do you know it?" screamed Rochow, the commandant of Spandow. "Do you know, your excellency, what things are going on?" growled Kracht, the commandant of Berlin.

At this moment loud, angry and excited voices made themselves heard from the antechamber, and a lackey tore open the door. "Your excellency, the Commandants von Rochow, von Kracht, and Colonel von Goldacker request an audience." But the three gentlemen did not wait for the granting of this audience.

"Gracious sir," proclaimed an advancing lackey, "an officer from Commandant von Kracht begs to be admitted, as he is charged with a verbal message from the commandant." "Admit him," ordered the count, going hastily to meet the officer, who was just stepping into the room. "Sir Count, I have bad news for you. Colonel von Kracht has just been arrested.

He commissioned me to convey the tidings to you as he was led away." Count John Adolphus grew slightly pale, and exchanged a rapid glance of intelligence with Sebastian von Waldow. "Who arrested Colonel von Kracht?" he asked. "Colonel Conrad von Burgsdorf, most gracious sir.