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Kingsmill, to be sure, was no nurse of Toryism; the robust employers of labour who sent their sons to Whitelaw either to complete a training deemed sufficient for an active career, or by way of transition-stage between school and university were for the most part avowed Radicals, in theory scornful of privilege, practically supporters of that mode of freedom which regards life as a remorseless conflict.

Warricombe, however, had found topic for discourse in the prize volume; he began to comment on the excellence of certain sections of the book. 'Do you go home? interrupted Buckland, addressing the question to his rival. 'Or do you stay in Kingsmill until the First B.A.? 'I shall go home, replied Peak, moving uneasily.

It clearly emerges as an established settlement in 1624 when its population was given at twenty-five persons including at least four families with servants and dependents. That same year it sent its own burgess to the Assembly at Jamestown, its most prominent resident, Richard Kingsmill.

In appearance these two men were like nearly all the people of the Kingsmill Group dark-skinned, strongly built, and with a certain fierceness of visage, born of their warlike and quarrelsome nature, and which never leaves them, even in their old age.

Thus ended the life of one of the mutineers, while the blood of innocent victims was scarcely washed from his hands, much less the guilty stain from his soul. Feb. 7th. These twenty-four hours commenced with thick squally weather. Middle part clear and fine weather. Hove to at 2 A. M., and at 6 made sail, and steered W. by S. At ½ past 8 made an Island ahead, one of the Kingsmill groupe.

The newspaper left him time for other literary work, and it was known to a few people that he wrote with some regularity for reviews, but all the products of his pen were anonymous. A fact which remained his own secret was that he provided for the subsistence of his parents, old people domiciled in a quiet corner of their native Kingsmill.

We sailed from Milli Lagoon for the Kingsmill Group a week later, and visited nearly every island in the cluster, buying coco-nut oil and other produce from the natives and the few scattered white traders. At Arorai, the southernmost island of the group, we found the natives in a state of famine owing to a long and disastrous drought.

Of the Kingsmill Group, we possess a very sad account; one named Drummond's Island, which is of coral formation, is about thirty miles long, and about three-quarters of a mile in width. The island is covered with cocoa-nut and pandanus trees, but not a patch of grass was seen.

The noteworthy features are black oak screens and pulpit, the blocked squints, in the porches, stoup and geometric rose window in N. porch, mural monument to Sir Francis Kingsmill and two sons. In the churchyard are two timeworn, recumbent figures recessed into the N. wall of N. transept, and an altar-tomb to Oldmixon, mentioned in Pope's "Dunciad."

Godwin had heard the hateful voice, and was in profound disturbance. 'What does he say, mother? he inquired anxiously. 'Anything about Kingsmill? 'Not yet. Oh, I do so wish we could bring this connection to an end! It was the first time Mrs. Peak had uttered her sentiments so unreservedly. 'Then, shall I see him in private, said Godwin, 'and simply let him know the truth?