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Kingsmill, to be sure, was no nurse of Toryism; the robust employers of labour who sent their sons to Whitelaw either to complete a training deemed sufficient for an active career, or by way of transition-stage between school and university were for the most part avowed Radicals, in theory scornful of privilege, practically supporters of that mode of freedom which regards life as a remorseless conflict.

Let him alone to work out his own plot . . . we have not seen the end of it yet; but whatever it will be, England has need of him as a transition-stage between feudalism and ; for many a day to come. If he be not the ideal landlord, he is nearer it than any we are like yet to see. . . . Except one; and that, after all, is Lord Vieuxbois.

We are in the transition-stage from the miocene to the pliocene period of human existence. A new heaven is forming over our head behind the curtain of clouds which rises from our smoking battle-fields. A new earth is shaping itself under our feet amidst the tremors and convulsions that agitate the soil upon which we tread. But there is no such thing as a surprise in the order of Nature.

The Schillerized 'Macbeth' may be regarded as a sort of necessary transition-stage between the gross travesties of an earlier time and the more faithful presentations that were to come. With respect to 'Turandot' a few words must suffice. This again grew out of the laudable desire of the duumvirs to acclimate in Weimar dramatic productions that had pleased the public in other climes.

It appears first of all in dreaming an embryonic, unstable and uncoördinated manifestation of the creative imagination a transition-stage between passive reproduction and organized construction.