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The commander decided to stay where he was and simply hold the ground against any advance of the enemy from Iverak. This division was, therefore, intrenched along a line from Begluk to Kik, and a strong advance was thrown out toward Kugovitchi. During the morning this advance guard made a strong attack against Kugovitchi, drove the Austrians out, and established themselves there.

Boomer was dancing about and swearing and shouting; this direct attack upon his apparatus outraged his sense of chivalry. The rest of the brigade hovered in a disheartened state about the rescued fire escape, and tried to piece Boomer's comments into some tangible instructions. "Hi!" said Rusper from the window. "Kik! What's up?" Gambell answered him out of his helmet. "Hose!" he cried.

"Put all over the place!" he cried, and found Mr. Rusper emerging from his shop with the large tranquillities of his countenance puckered to anger, like the frowns in the brow of a reefing sail. He gesticulated speechlessly for a moment. "Kik jer doing?" he said at last. "Tin mantraps!" said Mr. Polly. "Dressing all over the pavement as though the blessed town belonged to you! Ugh!" And Mr.

"That's a pretty little girl of yours, missis," he remarked in a casual way. "That she is," cried Mary, catching up the child and kissing her rosy face all over; "and she's better than pretty she's good, good as gold." "Oh 'top, ma. Let May down, kik! Fire not out yit!" "That's right, never give in, May. Wot a jolly fireman you'd make!" cried Fred, still directing all his energies to the cupboard.

At 11 a. m. the Serbians stormed Velika Glava and took it, but here their progress was checked by a strong artillery fire from the west of Rashulatcha. Then rifle firing broke out along the whole line from Velika Glava to Kik. Near Kik the Austrians were massing in strong force, and the Third Army was reported to be again in danger, this time from a hostile turning movement.

Wee goe to the "Crowne" at VI. o'clock, I having mett with Captain Settle, who is on dewty with the horse tonite, and must to Abendonn by IX. I looke for you Your unfayned loving A. K. The bearer has left my servise, and his helth conserus me nott. Soe kik him if he tarrie.

Fortunately general headquarters was able to come to the rescue with reenforcements. This lessened the danger from Kik. Whereupon the advance along Iverak was continued. By the middle of the afternoon, when the Austrians were driven out of Reingrob, the Serbians controlled the situation. The defeat of the Austrians was complete.

Rusper, with a loud impassioned cry, resembling "Woo kik" more than any other combination of letters, released the bicycle handle, seized Mr. Polly by the cap and hair and bore his head and shoulders downward. Thereat Mr. Polly, emitting such words as everyone knows and nobody prints, butted his utmost into the concavity of Mr.

The Serbians deployed, extending their line from Bornololye through Parlok to Lisena, centering their artillery at Kik. The Austrians made the best of their superior position. For some hours there was furious firing, then, at about eight o'clock the Austrian gunners got the range of the Serbian left flank with their field pieces, which was compelled to fall back.

Mose looked at him with a dry grin, sat down in the rocking-chair and began to rock himself. "What did yo' mother send you after, Mose?" Margaret inquired. "Cup o' v v v v v " "Can't you write it down?" Jasper inquired. "Kik kik kik ki kan' can't write." "Don't you think you mout go off somewhar an' l'arn?" "Ain't got got tity tity t t time."