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Kaboniyan told him the day when he would meet him, and Sayen was to stay in the lower place and Kaboniyan in the higher place. Sayen went there on that day. When he reached there and was waiting he heard a sound like a storm and said to himself, "Here is Kaboniyan." Kaboniyan called to him, "Are you there, Sayen?" "I am here," said Sayen. "Are you a brave man?" said Kaboniyan to Sayen.

"Ala, when there is again the repetition of the sickness to the person for whom you go to make dawak, do not neglect to prepare the pig correctly, so that the sick person may get better, whom you try to make well. I also, Kaboniyan, prepare correctly when there is a person for whom I make dawak, and you, Ipogau, do not prepare correctly when you make dawak."

I would not have heard any bad words if you had been careful." "Ala, Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen, that is our custom, because we are related to the Kaboniyan and the alan always picks up some of us," said her father and mother. "It is good that Dumanau found you, who is your husband. Aponibolinayen, who talked bad before, is our relative. She is my sister," said Aponibalagen.

The spirit Kaboniyan goes to see the sick persons; he lets his spear drop through the house, and then tells them the cause of the trouble is that they have failed to make Sangasang. He instructs them what to do, and when they obey all become well. The different parts of the house quarrel and each insists on its importance.

"Now be patient for we must chew betel-nut, for it is not good for us to talk until we know each other's names." Asibowan said, "How can we chew betel-nut, for I do not chew for I am related to Kaboniyan?" "You must chew anyway for we cannot tell our names unless we chew," said Aponitolau. When Aponitolau urged her a long time she took the betel-nut and they chewed.

Not long after Kaboniyan, above, was looking down on those who make dawak. Kaboniyan went down to them, he went to tell those preparing the pig, because they did not prepare it correctly those two who make dawak. After that they prepared the pig correctly and the sick person got well of the sickness.

Sayen is here." The people said, "We do not know about Sayen, where he is." Then Sayen came out and killed the komau. Kaboniyan went to Sayen in Benben and said, "Are you a brave man, Sayen? You are brave, because you killed the komau." Sayen said, "Yes, I am a brave man." Kaboniyan said, "If you are a brave man, I will meet you in that place at a distance." Sayen said, "Yes."

The birds each take one grain of rice in payment. They use magic again so that bundles of rice take themselves to the town. Ligi invites them to a ceremony, and then follows them home. He sees them remove their feathers and become one girl. They go back to the celebration, where all chew betel-nut. Girl's quid goes to those of her parents, from whom she had been stolen by the spirit Kaboniyan.

She went to the river and she tied the cock and the dog by the water, and while she was gone, the dog killed the cock. Dayapán wept, but for a long time the spirit did not come. When Kaboniyan came again, he said, "If the dog had not killed the cock, no person would die, but this is a sign and now somebody will die and some will be well."

"What is the matter with you, you say, and there is nothing which we do not do for our sickness, and we are never cured," said those Ipogau. And Kaboniyan answered, "How can you become cured of your sickness when you have a bad sign for that which you made your house? The reason of your sickness is because you do not make Sangásang.