United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The faithful Seesaw had called at the side door of the brick house on the evening before his departure, and when Rebecca answered his knock, stammered solemnly, "Can I k-keep comp'ny with you when you g-g-row up?" "Certainly NOT," replied Rebecca, closing the door somewhat too speedily upon her precocious swain. Mr.

She did not know what to expect next, when all of a sudden Mary threw herself across her mother's lap and began to sob and laugh at the same time. "Oh, mamma, the old Vicar was right. It's been awfully hard sometimes to k-keep inflexible. Sometimes I thought it would nearly k-kill me! But we did it! We did it! And now fortune has changed in our favor, and everything is all right!"

So bingavast, my benen cove, and may you chant all by yourself when I am gone!" "God bless the boys!" the islander cried, "an' k-keep them from the f-fire everlasting that is burning in your jug. And s-s-stranger, remember the end of Eb-b-benezer Johnson, an' repent!"

She frowned slightly and made no answer. "Of c-course," he went on; "it's all a question of p-personal taste; but I think, of the two, I like the Russian variety best it's so thorough. If Russia had to depend on flowers and skies for her supremacy instead of on powder and shot, how long do you think 'mon prince' would k-keep that Polish fortress?"

"Of course she will, if you k-keep off her toes and don't forget to count the time. Hurry and g-get off your things; I want you to try it before the crowd comes. There are only a few couples for you to bump into now, and there will be a hundred after a while." O the fine rapture of that first moment when Sandy found he could dance!

Pretty soon the bears will be wearing rackets in the summer to k-keep out of his way. And now, boys, if you don't mind, I'll stretch out in the bottom of the boat and get a little nap. I haven't had a good sleep I don't know when, and the f-food and the warm sun make me terrible sleepy." Amos lay down, and we rowed till we reached the shore. When we arrived at camp we had something to eat.

That red haid o' yours. Hear me?" Bob's head came up as though a spring had been released. "B-better. K-keep it up where it belongs. Now, then, w-what are you aimin' for to do?" Bob shook his head. "Get outa this country, like Hollister said. Find a hole somewheres an' pull it in after me." "No, sir. Not none.