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When Apollodorus ceased speaking, Verus offered Simeon Ben Jochai his hand, saying: "I am rejoiced to have met a man of your learning and distinction. What would I not give to possess your knowledge for a few hours!" "My knowledge is yours," replied the astrologer. "Command my services, my labors, my time ask me as many questions as you will. We are so deeply indebted to you "

When Apollodorus ceased speaking, Verus offered Simeon Ben Jochai his hand, saying: "I am rejoiced to have met a man of your learning and distinction. What would I not give to possess your knowledge for a few hours!" "My knowledge is yours," replied the astrologer. "Command my services, my labors, my time ask me as many questions as you will. We are so deeply indebted to you "

Men are always ready to cast any burden, and especially that of a fault they have committed, on to the shoulders of another; and so the suffering praetor cursed Antinous and the learning of Simeon Ben Jochai, because, if it had not been for them the mischievous folly which had spoilt his pleasure in life would never have been committed.

Have you heard the name of Bar Kochba?" "Uncle," said Ben Jochai, interrupting the old Rabbi's speech, and rising from his seat: "Say nothing you might regret." "Nay, nay," answered Gamaliel earnestly. "Our friends here prefer the human above the divine, but they are not traitors."

The charioteer held the reins, while he himself gazed at the roll in his hand which contained the result of the calculations of the astrologer, Rabbi Simeon Ben Jochai; and this was certainly likely enough to disturb the cheerfulness of the most reckless of men.

Have you heard the name of Bar Kochba?" "Uncle," said Ben Jochai, interrupting the old Rabbi's speech, and rising from his seat: "Say nothing you might regret." "Nay, nay," answered Gamaliel earnestly. "Our friends here prefer the human above the divine, but they are not traitors."

"You have no reason to regard me as your creditor," interrupted the praetor, "you do not even owe me thanks. I only made your acquaintance after I had rescued you, and I opposed the mob, not for the sake of any particular man, but for that of law and order." "You were benevolent enough to protect us," cried Ben Jochai, "so do not be so stern as to disdain our gratitude."

But, with the commencement of the third hour so said Ben Jochai misfortune and death would take possession of his house of destiny; in the fourth hour his star would vanish, and anything further that might declare itself in the sky during that night would have nothing more to do with him, or his destiny. The Emperor's star would triumph over his.

Ben Jochai followed his uncle's example and raised his arms in supplication, while his black eyes sparkled with a lowering glow in his pale face. But their prayers were brief, for the tumult came nearer and nearer; Apollodorus wrung his hands, and struck his fist against his forehead; his movements were violent spasmodic.

Have you heard the name of Bar Kochba?" "Uncle," said Ben Jochai, interrupting the old Rabbi's speech, and rising from his seat: "Say nothing you might regret." "Nay, nay," answered Gamaliel earnestly. "Our friends here prefer the human above the divine, but they are not traitors."