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After three weeks Uncle Whittier remarked, "We kinda like Gopher Prairie. Guess maybe we'll stay here. We'd been wondering what we'd do, now we've sold the creamery and my farms. So I had a talk with Ole Jenson about his grocery, and I guess I'll buy him out and storekeep for a while." He did. Carol rebelled. Kennicott soothed her: "Oh, we won't see much of them. They'll have their own house."

Master Gridley took out a great volume from the lower shelf, a folio in massive oaken covers with clasps Like prison hinges, bearing the stately colophon, white on a ground of vermilion, of Nicholas Jenson and his associates.

James Madison Howland, born in New Hampshire, and Ole Jenson, born in Sweden, both proved that they were free American citizens by grunting, "I don't know whether I got any or not," or "Well, you can't expect me to get it delivered by noon." It was good form for the customers to fight back.

They often said, "One man's as good as another and a darn sight better." This motto, however, they did not commend to farmer customers who had had crop failures. The Yankee merchants were crabbed; and Ole Jenson, Ludelmeyer, and Gus Dahl, from the "Old Country," wished to be taken for Yankees.

This visit is notable from the fact that on the 17th, Snow and others proceeded about two miles west of north and at Musha Springs located a townsite, afterward named Tuba City. Tuba City was visited in 1900 by Andrew Jenson, who found twenty families resident, with one family at the old Moen Copie mission and three families at Moen Abi, seven miles to the southwest. A Woolen Factory in the Wilds

The poor lady smiled neuralgically, panted with fright, scrabbled about the small oak table to find her eye-glasses, and continued, "We will first have the pleasure of hearing Mrs. Jenson on the subject 'Shakespeare and Milton." Mrs. Ole Jenson said that Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died 1616.

I've got a rattling opening, at the finest of the public schools, the school I'd have chosen above all others. Jenson got a mastership there two years ago my old coach, you remember! He was always good to me, thought more of me than I deserved, and he spoke of me to the Head. There's a vacancy for a junior master next term. They wrote to me about it.

Master Gridley took out a great volume from the lower shelf, a folio in massive oaken covers with clasps Like prison hinges, bearing the stately colophon, white on a ground of vermilion, of Nicholas Jenson and his associates.

In 1892, when visited by Andrew Jenson, in the locality of the main four settlements of the older occupation were only a score of families. Salt Mountains of the Virgin Arizona lost one asset of large value in the transfer of the Virgin River section to Nevada. Therein is an enormous salt deposit, locally called the Salt Mountain, though three such deposits are along the Virgin between St.

Among the most remarkable printed books are:—A series of Bibles, 1480 to 1690; Caxton’s Legenda Aurea, 1483; Higden’s Polychronicon, by Caxton, 1495; Lyndewode, Super Constitutiones Provinciales, 1475; Nonius Marcellus, De proprietate sermonum, 1476, printed at Venice by Nicolas Jenson; and the Nuremberg Chronicle, completed July 1493.