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As if I do not talk to a million strangers every summer! as if I could ever sell a flower if I did not! You are cross this morning; that is what it is." "Do you know the man's name?" said Jeannot, suddenly. Bébée felt her cheeks grow warm as with some noonday heat of sunshine. She thought it was with anger against blundering Jeannot's curiosity.

'Mais c'est le couteau de Jeannot que cette Universite, said one of my interlocutors. Well, I will give you the tale of Jeannot's knife. There was once a young peasant called Jeannot, and he had a knife of which he took great care. He found that the blade was rusting and he changed the blade. Then he found that the handle was decaying from dry-rot, and he changed the handle; and so on.

"Happiness at six-and-twenty in Paris is not the happiness of six-and-twenty at say Blois," continued Blondet, taking no notice of the interruption. "And those that proceed from this text to rail at the instability of opinion are either knaves or fools for their pains. "New haft, new blade, like Jeannot's knife, and yet you think that he is still the same man," broke in Bixiou.

"You have said so so often, and you are good and mean it, that I know. But I could not leave the water. It would kill me. Out of this window you know I saw my Jeannot's brig go away away away till the masts were lost in the mists.

There is a standing order of the police forbidding coachmakers to build them. "'Indeed! How long has that order been in force? "'Fifty years, perhaps. "'How comes it, then, that there is such a thing as a corricolo in existence? "'Nothing easier. You know the story of Jeannot's knife? "'To be sure I do; it is one of our national chronicles.

Bébée, in her rare holidays with the Bac children or with Jeannot's sisters, had never penetrated farther than the glades of the Cambre, and had never entered the heart of the true forest, which is much still what it must have been in the old days when the burghers of Brabant cut their yew bows and their pike staves from it to use against the hosts of Spain.