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"Yes, a few persons in town, but they were good enough to keep it quiet for my sake. Among them, so Uncle John told me, were Alice Jallow's people. That is why I think she wrote the note. She must have found out about my secret in some way, and thought to taunt me with it." "The mean creature!" "Oh, I don't mind. I was only afraid you girls " "Amy Stonington!

You're tryin' t' establish a right here. Well, you can't do it! I order you off." "First show that you have the right," insisted Allen. "Where is the dividing line?" The man looked up and down through the woods. He went a little way backward, and then forward. Then he uttered an exclamation. "There it is back of you!" he exclaimed. "You're all on Mr. Jallow's land now, and I order you off.

"I'm sorry about the trouble you had with Hank Smither," went on Alice's mother. "Hank Smither?" questioned Mollie. "Yes. He's one of Mr. Jallow's men, you know. He ordered you off, the other day. But you must excuse him. He was only carrying out our orders, and I've no doubt Mr. Jallow will be glad to let you come over and see us." "Oh, Mr. Smither didn't annoy us," said Grace easily.

Paddy Malone was to be foreman of the new cutting gang, many of Mr. Jallow's employes hiring out to Grace's father. The Jallows had gone back to Deepdale, as I have said, the case against Mr. Jallow being dropped. "See you later!" called the girls to the boys, as the latter prepared to go home in the auto ice boat.

Paddy Malone went more into details of how he had been induced to disappear so that the proper boundaries might be shifted to make it appear that the valuable land was on Mr. Jallow's side, instead of belonging to Mr. Ford. Then Dr. Burke insisted that his patient have rest, so the boys and girls went outside to talk it over. "Oh, I do wish papa would come!" sighed Grace. In due time Mr.