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"I won't cry again and I won't submit and I'll see what happens!" she told herself; and the four who followed her at a none-too-respectful distance two of the Maharajah's men in uniform and two shabby-looking ruffians of Jaimihr's grinned as they scented action.

When a wrong was being done that she could alter or alleviate it was her way to tackle it at once without asking for permission or advice. From where her chair was placed under the long veranda she could see the passage in the rock that led to Jaimihr's cell. She saw his captors take him up the passage; she heard the door clang shut on him, and she saw the men come back again.

They reprimanded Byng, as though depriving him of his command were not enough. When he protested, as he had a right to do, they showed him Jaimihr's letter. "Mahommed Gunga told you, did he? Look at this!"

THAT that followed Alwa's breakaway was all but the tensest hour in Howrah City's history. The inevitable the foiled rage of the priests and Jaimihr's impudent insistence that the missionaries should be handed over to him the Maharajah's answer all combined to set the murmurings afoot.

Surely this was a crisis out of which the priests must come triumphant; they held all the cards knew how and when rebellion was timed, and could compare, as the principals themselves could not do, Howrah's strength with Jaimihr's. And the priests had the crowd to back them the ignorant, superstitious crowd that can make or dethrone emperors.

He would run no small risk of being beaten by the guards; but, on the other hand, should he catch jaimihr's ear and interest him, he would be safe. "Wouldst thou win Jaimihr's favor?" asked Joanna, creeping up beside him, and whispering with all the suggestiveness she could assume. "Who would not? Who knows that within week he will not be ruler?" "True. I have a message for him. I must hurry back.

But Cunningham decided he had wasted time enough. He shouted his orders, and in less than thirty seconds his three squadrons were thundering in the direction of Jaimihr's army and the palace-wall. They drew rein again within a quarter of a mile of it, to discover with amazed military eyes that Jaimihr had no artillery.

She saw the fat Hindoo come back, in no particular hurry now, and seat himself not far from her. Later she saw eight horsemen ride down the street, pass the arch, wheel, and halt. She noticed that they were not Maharajah Howrah's men but a portion of his brother Jaimihr's body-guard, then took no further notice of them.

He imagined he was doing the necessary dirty work out of Miss McClean's sight; but, except hospital nurses, there are few women who can see dry blood removed from steel without a qualm; she had looked at Alwa to escape Jaimihr's gaze; now she looked at Jaimihr's back to avoid the sight of what Alwa was seeing fit to do.

He ordered; the pipes and cymbals started up again at once; and, one by one Maharajah, Jaimihr, high priest, then royal guard, Jaimihr's guard, priest again the procession wound ahead, jewelled and egretted, sabred and spurred, priest-robed, representative of all the many cancers eating at the heart of India.