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That sort of thing won't answer me; and he is staying at Larkin's house, I find. Wylder was talking to me on the door steps after dinner, having in a rather sulky way swallowed more than his usual modicum of Madeira, and his remarks were delivered interruptedly two or three puffs of his cigar interposed between each sentence. 'I suppose he expects to be asked to the wedding.

MY DEAR FRIEND: Solicitous and anxious as I have ever been to form your heart, your mind, and your manners, and to bring you as near perfection as the imperfection of our natures will allow, I have exhausted, in the course of our correspondence, all that my own mind could suggest, and have borrowed from others whatever I thought could be useful to you; but this has necessarily been interruptedly and by snatches.

And in what capacity soever these Corpuscles of a Liquor come to be Lodg'd or Harbour'd in the Pores that admit them, the Surface of the Body will for the most part have its Asperity alter'd, and the Incident Light that meets with a Grosser Liquor in the little Cavities that before contain'd nothing but Air, or some yet Subtiler Fluid, will have its Beams either Refracted, or Imbib'd, or else Reflected more or less Interruptedly, than they would be, if the Body had been Unmoistned, as we see, that even fair Water falling on white Paper, or Linnen, and divers other Bodies apt to soak it in, will for some such Reasons as those newly mention'd, immediately alter the Colour of them, and for the most part make it Sadder than that of the Unwetted Parts of the same Bodies.

Every little disturbance of the grains or fragments of the soil which lifts them up causes them when they fall to descend a little way farther toward the sea level. Working toward the streams, the materials of the soil are in time delivered to those flowing waters, and by them urged speedily, though in most cases interruptedly, toward the ocean.

Do we not experience these sensations or impressions interruptedly? Who sees or feels a table continuously day after day? If the table is but a name for the experiences in question, if we have no right to infer material things behind and distinct from such experiences, are we not forced to conclude that the existence of the things that we see and feel is an interrupted one?

MY DEAR FRIEND: Solicitous and anxious as I have ever been to form your heart, your mind, and your manners, and to bring you as near perfection as the imperfection of our natures will allow, I have exhausted, in the course of our correspondence, all that my own mind could suggest, and have borrowed from others whatever I thought could be useful to you; but this has necessarily been interruptedly and by snatches.

They have very lately sat in the Colchester Committee as many, within one or two, days successively as have been spent in this trial interruptedly in the course of two years.

This suffering continued interruptedly for three days, and deprived the sick young man of consciousness; whilst it seemed to be leading him quickly to that bound which mercy has set to human sufferings.

The grove was like a field of battle. The young lads who were stripping the bark, the very children who were picking up the chips, seemed awed and silent, as if conscious that death was around them. The nightingales sang faintly and interruptedly a few low frightened notes like a requiem.

This time as they played their game the old man broke his rule of silence and continued his observations interruptedly: "Four kings," he said.... "It isn't that a man gets to think money all-important, it is that he has to think of it all the time.... No, three queens are no good. He took up the cards to shuffle them.