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"Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless millions mourn." Ingersoll's Lecture on the Review of His Reviewers Ladies and Gentlemen: "What have I said?" "What has been my offense? I have been spoken of as if I were a wolf endeavoring to devour the entire fold of sheep in the absence of the shepherd."

Were they to be cursed by God and man because the former had reaped the harvest of his own sowing? Ingersoll's Lecture on "How the Gods Grow" Ladies and Gentlemen: Priests have invented a crime called blasphemy. That crime is the breastwork behind which ignorance, superstition and hypocrisy have crouched for thousands of years, and shot their poisoned arrows at the pioneers of human thought.

You do me wrong. It is a mistake." The lady shook her head: "No, my son, it is true. A mother's eyes rarely deceive her. You took wine too freely both at Mrs. Judson's and Mrs. Ingersoll's, and acted so little like my gentlemanly, dignified son that my cheeks burned and my heart ached with mortification. I saw in other eyes that looked at you both pity and condemnation.

The earth trembled with the tread of Rome's intrepid sons, and Jove grasped with mailed hand the thunderbolts of heaven. Rome fell, and Christians from her territory, with the red sword of war, carved out the ruling nations of the world, and now Jehovah sits upon the old throne. Who will be His successor? Ingersoll's lecture on The Religion of Our Day

We must have a religion of charity; one that will do away with poverty, close the prisons and cover this world with homes. Ingersoll's Lecture on Heretics and Heresies "Liberty, a word without which All other words are vain." Whoever has an opinion of his own, and honestly expresses it, will be guilty of heresy.

Those who attempt suicide should not be punished. If they are insane they should, if possible be restored to reason; if sane, they should be reasoned with, calmed and assisted. Ingersoll's Letter, The Right to One's Life Colonel Ingersoll's Eloquent Reply to His Critics

Float not forever in the far horizon! Remain not forever in the dream of the enthusiast and the poet and the philanthropist! But come and take up thine abode with the children of men forever! Ingersoll's Lecture on "Orthodoxy"

The great feature was Ingersoll's utterance. It was probably, in its way, the most admirable specimen of modern oratory hitherto delivered in the English language, immense as such praise may sound. And such a critical dissection, and flattering summary!

Hence the Ingersoll Company developed a sort of radium coating for their dials. It probably was not actually made from radium because there is not enough of it to be found in all the world even if a watch company could afford to buy it up. Just what this magic watch dial was made from was Ingersoll's secret; but anyway it did what it was guaranteed to do and instantly leaped into popularity.

To digress for a moment, I believe the story of Demosthenes' cowardice as damnable a lie as that relating to Col. Ingersoll's surrender. Even in his day human vermin sought to wreck with falsehood those they feared. The world unwisely I think interests itself in the personality of a genius, and somewhat impudently invades his privacy.