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Why, the people who put on the skates for the patrons of the rink, of course!" One could write volumes on this systematic relief work, the businesslike industry of succouring Belgium by the businesslike Belgians, with American help.

Now, the projected Imperial dominion is a power of the character required to bring a sufficient corrective to bear, in case of need, on this democratic situation in which the businessmen in charge necessarily manage the country's industry at cross purposes with the community's that is the common man's material interest.

This was the motto of his artistic life. John Sebastian Bach said of himself, "I was industrious; whoever is equally sedulous, will be equally successful." But there is no doubt that Bach was born with a passion for music, which formed the mainspring of his industry, and was the true secret of his success.

But how does it happen that this function, which belongs specially to the province of merchants and those concerned with industry, and proceeds exclusively from the authority of the Chambers of Commerce, yet belongs to the State?

And he reminded them that, though it was yet "a day of small things," experience must have strengthened the inducements to industry and economy, by shewing them that, where they had been regarded, the result had been not only competence, but thrift. He then took leave of them, and went down to the ships at Tybee.

Instead of a great moral appeal, which might have prevented all the disastrous conflicts in industry, and might have preserved the spirit of loyalty which had united the people during the war, the Prime Minister put himself at the head of a disreputable mob calling for revenge. "One disadvantage of the democratic system," says Mr.

"Well, if you ain't the beater for impudence!" said Miss Silence. "The beater for industry so I thought," rejoined our hero.

But it is nevertheless evident that the instability of the family must be regarded as the greatest of our social problems to-day. Summary Regarding the Influence of Industrial Conditions upon the Present Instability of the Family. As we have already seen, the development of modern industry is one of the chief causes of the decay of modern family life.

But industry so vast, working by steam on a limited space, has been fatal to beauty: Hillsborough, though built on one of the loveliest sites in England, is perhaps the most hideous town in creation. All ups and down and back slums. Not one of its wriggling, broken-backed streets has handsome shops in an unbroken row.

Yes! you have conquered, for De Neufville's failure is your deed. It was you who persecuted him so long, and by cunning suspicions and calumny undermined his credit until it was destroyed, and the whole edifice of his honorable industry fell together." "It is my work," cried Ephraim exultingly, "for he stood in my way, and I have pushed him out of it what more?