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Before me the majestic river broadens out into a bay where now the ice-boats play back and forth, and day after day is repeated the merry dance of many skaters about the only kind of dance I thoroughly believe in. If I stand on the porch upon which one of my library windows opens, and look to the east, I see the mountain clad with its primeval forest, crowding down to the water's edge.

"Well, we can see enough to assure us that the ice won't break up on the bar to-morrow," said Lund; "but you may get your ice-boats ready at once, for the next thaw, with a north-easter after it, will leave all clear along the ship channel to the harbor's mouth."

We directed all our energies to the creation of artificial wants in that previously happy and contented community, and flooded the whole adjacent country with articles that were of no more use to the poor natives than ice-boats and mouse-traps would be to the Tuaregs of the Saharan desert. In short, we dispensed the blessings of civilisation with a free hand.

"I hain't never heard tell on a scooter a-killin' nobody yit; it's them plagued ice-boats up State what " "That's all very well," persisted Mrs. Homan, not to be diverted from her subject; "but when old Dr.

Watson called: "Come on, children, don't you want to go for a ride?" "Oh, let's!" cried Flossie, clapping her hands. "And I want to steer!" added Freddie. "No, you can't do that!" exclaimed Nan. "Oh, Bert, do you think it would be all right for us to go?" she asked her older brother. "I don't see why not," said Bert. "The wind doesn't blow hard, and Mr. Watson knows all about ice-boats.

"On the principle of the ice-boats," said Fleda, "that back a little to give a better blow to the ice, where they find it tough?" "Tough!" said Constance. "Does Florence like this paragon of yours as well as you do?" "I don't know she don't talk so much about him, but that proves nothing; she's too happy to talk to him.

"That's what I'm going to do," Mr. Bobbsey remarked. "If I could borrow one of those ice-boats over there," put in Bert, pointing toward some on the other side of the lake, "I could sail down and get them." "No more ice-boats to-day!" said Mrs. Bobbsey. "Oh, I do hope nothing happens to Flossie and Freddie!" "I don't believe they'll be hurt," said their father.

"Now for skates and our ice-boat!" cried Bert, and the fun started as soon as the lake was safe. The children had many good times, often going up to the nearest village in the ice-boat. Sometimes Bert had races with other ice-boats, and occasionally he won even against larger craft that were bought, instead of being home- made. But almost as often the Ice Bird came in last.