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Age, idiosyncrasy, tolerance, and disease, all exert modifying influences on the action of a poison. The form in which the poison is swallowed and the quantity also determine its action. In the gaseous form, poisons act most rapidly and fatally. When in solution and injected hypodermically, they also act very rapidly.

"Did he swallow it necessarily?" queried Kennedy, in a tone calculated to show me that the chemical world, at least, was full of a number of things, and there was much to learn. "Well, I suppose if it had been given hypodermically, it would have a more violent effect," I persisted, trying to figure out a way that the poison might have been given.

The bowels and kidneys must also be stimulated to activity, to help in the elimination of the poison. The second indication is met by the administration of the appropriate antidote. Antidotes are usually given hypodermically, or, if by mouth, in the form of tablets. In the absence of a hypodermic syringe, the remedy may be given by the rectum.

Give a general description of preventive treatment. By what channels may drugs be administered? How are drenches administered? How are solid drugs administered? What kind of drugs are administered hypodermically? What is an enema? What proportion of the dose of a drug recommended for the adult may be given to immature animals?

Identical with those of belladonna and hyoscyamus, the post-mortem appearances and treatment being also the same. When smoked, produces intoxication and mania. Hashish, used in the East as a narcotic, may cause persons to run 'amok' and commit murder. =Cocaine.= Any dose above 1/2 grain applied to a mucous membrane or injected hypodermically may give rise to alarming symptoms.

The salts of barium are also cardiac poisons. Post-Mortem Appearances. As of irritants generally. Stomach may be perforated. Treatment. Wash out stomach with a solution of sodium or magnesium sulphate, or of alum, and give stimulants by the mouth and hypodermically. =Iodine= occurs in scales of a dark bluish-black colour.

The hypodermically used narcotics need not be here discussed; for although they can give a far keener pleasure than alcohol, the penalty they inflict is more evident. Moreover, since their sale is not pushed by such powerful interests as continually stimulate the use of alcohol, they can, by the vigilant enforcement of existing laws, be readily removed from any general use.

Nowhere else in the body should pain be so speedily combated as when it occurs in the region of the heart. Morphin, with or without atropin, as deemed best, should be administered hypodermically in the amount and with the frequency necessary to stop the pain and quiet the restlessness. As stated above, the frequent need for morphin may be prevented by use of the ice bag.

The symptoms closely resemble those of aniline poisoning, but there is perhaps greater mental confusion. Fatal Dose. Eight to ten drops have caused death. Treatment. Emetics, stimulants, transfusion of saline or blood, pituitrin, strychnine, or digitalin hypodermically. Throbbing and pulsation of all the arteries in the body; flushing of the face and collapse may follow.

=Sunstroke.= The person loses consciousness and falls down insensible; the body temperature may be 112° F., the pulse is full, and a peculiar pungent odour is given off from the skin. Treatment consists in lowering the body temperature by application of cold cloths, stimulants, strychnine or digitalin hypodermically.