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10th: The patient felt this evening a slight febrile attack. 11th: Free from indisposition. 12th, 13th: The same. 14th: An efflorescence of a faint red colour extending several inches round the arm. The pustule, beginning to shew a disposition to spread, was dressed with an ointment composed of hydrarg. nit. rub. and ung. cerce.

Have on hand a pint of a one per cent aqueous solution of formaldehyd made under cleanly conditions, even to a clean bottle and cork, and a clean container when ready to use the liquid. Prepare also a bichlorid of mercury solution as follows: Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros. 3IV; Acid Hydrochlor. 3Iss.; Aqua Bulliens, Oij.

Why, your pulse is galloping nineteen to the dozen, and your head's as hot as fire. You've been eating too much, you voracious young wolf. It's liver and bile. All right, my fine fellow! Pill hydrarg, to-night, and to-morrow morning a delicious goblet before breakfast sulph mag, tinct sennae, ditto calumba. That will set you right."

There were some oedema of the leg to which he is subject, and much pain and inflammation of the ulcers. I directed the application of a cold poultice and lotion, and prescribed the pil. hydrarg. every second night with an aperient draught the following morning. This plan of treatment was continued for a number of days without any appearance of healing in the ulcers.

It then ceased and the eschar became complete; and there was rather less inflammation and swelling. The patient had kept in bed. I prescribed a pill with the hydrarg. submurias, to be followed by an aperient draught. On the succeeding day my patient went down stairs and disturbed the eschar, and experienced more pain. The inflammation and swelling were still less.

At the expiration of two hours after the seizure a plaster of ung. hydrarg. fort, was applied, and its effect was very quickly perceptible, for in ten minutes he resumed his usual looks and playfulness. On examining the arm about three hours after the application of the plaster its effects in subduing the inflammation were very manifest.

Three of these are given daily in the first instance, and the daily dose is increased to five or even seven grains till the standard for the individual patient is arrived at. As the grey powder alone sometimes causes irritation of the bowels, it should be combined with iron, as in the following formula: Hydrarg. c. cret. gr. 1; ferri sulph. exsiccat. gr. 1 or 2.

On one of these labels, Hydrarg. Amm., which had no meaning for him, Ranny fixed a fascinated gaze, thus avoiding the revelations of his mother's face. For Ranny's mother's face showed that she had been crying. Plump, and yet not large, her figure and her face were formed for gaiety and charm.

Digitalis, cream of tartar, and hydrarg. submur. were given on the 9th April. On the 13th he was much worse, and apparently dying. He had been unable to rise for the last twelve hours, and lay panting. I punctured the abdomen, and four quarts of fluid were evacuated. '14th'. The panting continues. The dog will not eat, but he can lie down in any posture.