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A young lady's fainting occasionally arises from debility from downright weakness of the constitution; then the best remedies will be, change of air to the coast, good nourishing diet, and the following strengthening mixture: Take of Tincture of Perchloride of Iron, two drachms; Tincture of Calumba, six drachms; Distilled Water, seven ounces: Two table-spoonfuls of this mixture to be taken three times a day.

Why, your pulse is galloping nineteen to the dozen, and your head's as hot as fire. You've been eating too much, you voracious young wolf. It's liver and bile. All right, my fine fellow! Pill hydrarg, to-night, and to-morrow morning a delicious goblet before breakfast sulph mag, tinct sennae, ditto calumba. That will set you right."

Take of calomba 2 ozs., tinc. of muriate of iron 1-1/2 oz., sulphate of quinine 20 grs., brandy 6 ozs., water 1-1/2 pint, bruise the calumba and pour the water on it boiling hot, cover tightly for two hours, then strain, bottle, and add all the other ingredients, when the quinine is dissolved it is ready for use. This forms an excellent tonic in cases of debility.

It consists of equal parts of the roots of the Calumba, Musheteko, Abutua, Batatinya, Paregekanto, Itaka, or Kapande, put into a bottle and covered with common castor-oil. As I have before observed, I believe the oily ingredient is the effectual one, and ought to be tried by any one who has the misfortune to get wounded by a Bushman's or Banyai arrow.