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"Well, let us go up to the shops and the station. We've got twopence between us, and we want to spend it, and besides " But Pauline broke off, recognizing it was worse than useless to explain to a person like Anna the pleasure they could obtain from watching to see whether Howie or their own Larkin got most of the customers by the excursion train. But Anna was horrified at the idea.

Wauverley, put it a' into my hand frae the beginning frae the first calling o' the summons, as I may say. I circumvented them I played at bogle about the bush wi' them I cajolled them; and if I havena gien Inch-Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. Him a writer! I didna gae slapdash to them wi' our young bra' bridegroom, to gar them baud up the market.

That because of what Howie had been to her and for ten years! she just didn't know any way of going on living without Howie! Tonight made fresh all her wedding anniversaries brought happiness to life again. It almost took her in.

It was perhaps a habit of reserve built out of timidity, but she had been a girl whose life did not have a real contact with other lives. Perhaps there were many people like that perhaps not; she did not know. She only knew that before Howie came the life in her was more as a thing unto itself than a part of the life of the world. Then Howie came!

The pursuers had scented their game; in the morning a detachment of cavalry rode up to the house. The Covenanters escaped through the back door. To give them more time, Mrs. Howie stood in front of the soldiers, and disputed their entrance into the house. A burly dragoon attempted to push in.

"No!" she gasped under her breath. "No!" The people around her were saying things of a different sort. "Cut it!" "What you givin' us?" "Whoa, boy!" They laughed. They didn't care. It got a little better; she could make out Howie bending down to fix the dog's muzzle but it was all dancing crazily and people were laughing. And then then the miracle!

She had to see him that she might shut out that the picture of Howie blown into pieces. She hated people. They were always doing something like this to her. She hated all these people in the theater. It seemed they were all, somehow, against her. And Howie had been so good to them! He was so good to people like the people in this theater.

It would somehow keep him. It would fulfill him. Yes, fulfill him. Howie had made her more alive warmer and kinder. If she became as she had been before Howie would have failed. She moved so that the little girl who rested against her could rest the better. And as she did this it was as if Howie had smiled.

Round this latter dangled a string veil that he had manufactured for himself against the ubiquitous and famous mountain fly. But the flamboyant head drooped wretchedly just at present. He pulled up at the gate, seeing Miss Bibby was not on guard, and poured out a graphic account of the ride between himself and Howie.

She had seen her brother and his wife doing it when first she knew about Howie. "Now I'll tell you, lady," said the man to whom she had first spoken, in the voice that deals with what has to be dealt with carefully, "you just let me give you your money back, then you won't have the feeling that you've been cheated." He put his hand in his pocket. "I don't want my money back!" cried Laura.