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Are you and Dyce holding a camp meeting all by yourselves? I hallooed at the gate till your dog threatened to devour me, and I had to scare him off with my buggy whip." "Why, how'dy, Mars Alfred? I am mighty glad to see you! Seems like old times, to shake hands with you in my cabin.

As soon as they arrived, Aunt Linda rushed up to Iola, folded her in her arms, and joyfully exclaimed: "How'dy, honey! I'se so glad you's come. I seed it in a vision dat somebody fair war comin' to help us. An' wen I yered it war you, I larffed and jist rolled ober, and larffed and jist gib up." "But, Aunt Linda, I am not very fair," replied Mrs. Latimer. "Well, chile, you's fair to me.

There, lined up by the side of the track, were their companions and school fellows waiting to welcome them. The high school boys uttered a shout when they espied Phil and Teddy. "How'dy, fellows!" greeted Teddy, posing on the car platform for a moment, that they might gaze upon him admiringly. Phil was already on the ground, hurrying toward the boys with both hands outstretched.

I think she is the worst case we have, except the young mulatto I don't see her here just now who was sent up for life, for poisoning a baby she was hired to nurse. There is Mrs. Singleton." The warden's wife came forward with a vial in one hand, and at sight of the visitor, paused and held out the other. "How'dy do, Mr. Dunbar. You are waiting to see Ned?"