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She told herself that she was simple and friendly in going to the back door instead of the front, and it was with gaiety that she knocked on the ill-jointed screen door, which flapped dismally in response. "Ja?" from within. She rapped again. "Hinein!" She opened the door on a kitchen, the highlight of which was a table heaped with dishes of dumplings and salt pork.

The only thing that gave him a little trouble was that fatal point, "Ich legt' auch meine Liebe, Und meinen Schmerz hinein;" but even of this he made something.

And yet, the opponent obstinately urges, your humanist will always have a greater liberty to play fast and loose with truth than will your believer in an independent realm of reality that makes the standard rigid. To consider hypotheses is surely always better than to DOGMATISE ins blaue hinein. Nevertheless this probable flexibility of temper in him has been used to convict the humanist of sin.

We measure the total character of the universe as we feel it, against the flavor of the philosophy proffered us, and one word is enough. "Statt der lebendigen Natur," we say, "da Gott die Menschen schuf hinein" that nebulous concoction, that wooden, that straight-laced thing, that crabbed artificiality, that musty schoolroom product, that sick man's dream! Away with it. Away with all of them!

Ihr führt ins Leben uns hinein; Ihr lässt den armen schuldig werden; Dann übergiebt Ihr ihm der Pein, Denn alle Schuld rächt sich auf Erden.

A feeling feels as a gun shoots. If there be nothing to be felt or hit, they discharge themselves ins blaue hinein. If, however, something starts up opposite them, they no longer simply shoot or feel, they hit and know. But with this arises a worse objection than any yet made.

"Wie scheinst du mir in's Herz hinein Weck'st drinnen lauter Liebeslust, Dass mir so enge wird die Brust O Sonnenschein! O Sonn -enschein!" When the voices ceased there was a faint distant sound of crackling twigs and the echo of talking and laughter. "Ach Studenten!" "Irgend ein Mannergesangverein." "I think we ought to get back, Gertrude.