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'Meaning by E., you know, the "E" of the poems heh-heh! he added. 'It was a very humorous incident certainly, said his friend Neigh, at which there was a laugh not from anything connected with what he said, but simply because it was the right thing to laugh when Neigh meant you to do so. 'Now don't, Neigh you are too hard upon me.

"That is child's prattle," said the young man a little impatiently. "Gold is all very well, but a man's life is in his work, not his wages. If you can tell me nothing of what I seek, I will not trouble you." The fool clasped one knee in his long crooked white fingers. "You have no wife, I take it." "I have not thought about it. But that has nothing to do with secrets of the laboratory." "Heh-heh!

'Oh yes. 'I thought you were rather round-shouldered. Knight looked slightly redder. 'And that there was a little bald spot on the top of your head. 'Heh-heh! Two ineradicable defects, said Knight, there being a faint ghastliness discernible in his laugh. 'They are much worse in a lady's eye than being thought self-conscious, I suppose.

"Eight times; Hamed Kimiani wished me to go by Kiwyeh, but I declined, and struck through the forest to Munieka. Hamed and Thani thought it better to follow me, than brave Kiwyeh by themselves." "Hajji Abdullah! What Hajji Abdullah? Ah! Sheikh Burton we call him. "Heh-heh; balyuz! Heh, at El Scham! Is not that near Betlem el Kuds?" "Yes, about four days. Spiki is dead.

'Twas blush, blush with him, almost as much as 'tis with me not but that 'tis a fault in me!" "Not at all, Master Poorgrass." said Coggan. "'Tis a very noble quality in ye." "Heh-heh! well, I wish to noise nothing abroad nothing at all." murmured Poorgrass, diffidently. "But we be born to things that's true.

He's my uncle." "There's a Mike Thaler registered, and this guy says he's Thaler," the Wayne man said decisively. "He votes." One of the Planters passed his gun to the inspector for the Wayne side. The Nolan man gulped, and nodded. "Heh-heh, yes, just a mix-up. He's registered, so he votes." The next man Gordon recognized as being from one of the small shops on his beat.

'Twas blush, blush with him, almost as much as 'tis with me not but that 'tis a fault in me!" "Not at all, Master Poorgrass," said Coggan. "'Tis a very noble quality in ye." "Heh-heh! well, I wish to noise nothing abroad nothing at all," murmured Poorgrass, diffidently. "But we be born to things that's true.