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The gig soon headed the other boats, but gained very slowly on the pirate, and her muskets caused no apparent execution, but one of the cutters with the grape from her gun killed several of their fighting men, who stood on the roof brandishing their krisses, and fearlessly exposing themselves to the fire.

"I was headed this way." "To the Rancho Seco?" she questioned, astonished. Again he nodded. But this time there was a slight smile on his lips. Her own straightened, and her eyes glowed with a sudden suspicion. "That's odd," she said; "very odd." "What is?"

His men came up in a body to the shop, headed by their eldest foreman, and laid a complaint before him. The food that had been packed into their boxes and baskets, they said, couldn't be called human food at all.

I found a large body of opinion headed by brilliant men who have bidden farewell to the Hands-Across-the-Sea sentiment; who have little faith in the theory that blood is thicker than water when it comes to a keen commercial clash. What of the human element behind the whole British awakening?

Moreover, once in the far past, a race of Pharaohs sprung from this city of Napata, had sat on the throne of Egypt, until at length the people of Egypt, headed by the priests, had risen and overthrown them because they were foreigners and had introduced Nubian customs into the land. Therefore it was decreed by an unalterable law that none of their race should ever again wear the Double Crown.

Horses and guides were in readiness, for of late years the once mysterious residence of the goddess Pele has become one of the lions of the world. "Forward!" cried the commander, and the party trotted on, headed by their guide. Eight miles on they passed a vast chasm, after which they began to ascend more rapidly than before.

Not knowing that we were so close behind her, Sahwah had had a chance to go on to Chicago, and would simply go to our hotel and wait until we came! What a long headed one Sahwah was, to be sure!

Lord Hastings and Frank obeyed without a word, and at a command from the British officer the motorboat put about and headed shoreward. "Where are you taking us?" asked Lord Hastings quietly. "None of your business," was the sharp response. "So?" said Lord Hastings quietly. "I would advise you to speak more respectfully. I would not like to report you.

"The town hold me a hot headed carle for a man of threescore; Sim Glover is the offended party; we all know that Harry Gow spoils more harness with his sword than he makes with his hammer and our neighbour Proudfute, who, take his own word, is at the beginning and end of every fray in Perth, is of course a man of action.

Sam shook his head as if he either was unwilling or unable as yet to reply. Meanwhile the Black Growler had been drifting with the current, all power instantly having been shut off. Slight effort was required to keep her headed aright and Fred had remained at the wheel when Sam had begun his investigations.