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I went to the gate and listened, the trees roared, the wind whistled and, probably at the feeble-minded peasant's, a dog howled lazily. Outside the gates the darkness was absolute, not a light on the railway-line. And near the lodge, which a year before had been the office, suddenly sounded a smothered scream: "He-e-elp!" "Who's there?" I called. There were two people struggling.

Then suddenly a hurricane of shrill, repulsively pitiful sounds, which were full of animal fright, was hurled at Foma, and louder than all and more repulsive than all, Zvantzev's shrill, jarring cry pierced the ear: "He-e-elp!" Some one in all probability, the sedate gentleman with the side whiskers roared in his basso: "Drowning! They're drowning people!"

I left them and went back to the house; my wife was lying on her bed; she had dressed. I told her what had happened in the yard, and did not conceal the fact that I had hit Moisey. "It's terrible to live in the country," she said. "And what a long night it is. Oh dear, if only it were over!" "He-e-elp!" we heard again, a little later. "I'll go and stop them," I said.

Seeing the laden board, the pyramid of sandwiches rearing its luscious pinnacle toward heaven, he seemed to wink at Pee-wee with what purport who shall say? Sufficient that our hero saw him not. "He-e-e-elp! I'm drifting downstream with the refreshments," he called. "He-e-elp!" They heard him amid their revels. Townsend Ripley who had suffered the assaults of the hunter's stew heard him.

And as though in response to my thought, there came a despairing scream from the garden. "He-e-elp!" It was a shrill, womanish voice, and as though to mimic it the wind whistled in the chimney on the same shrill note. Half a minute passed, and again through the noise of the wind, but coming, it seemed, from the other end of the yard: "He-e-elp!" "Misail, do you hear?" my wife asked me softly.

Smiley glided off gently at first, Chow fanning the air with his hat and yipping like a rodeo star. He did, in fact, cling to his slippery perch with considerable skill. But suddenly Smiley began bobbing and humping like an eel. Chow's face froze in alarm. A moment later the porpoise dived and the cook let out a yell of terror, "He-e-elp!" Roaring with laughter, Tom dived in and rescued him.