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So the two girls talked about Moses, and Sally dilated upon his handsome, manly air the one Sunday that he had appeared in Harpswell meeting-house. "He didn't know me at all, if you'll believe it," said Sally. "I was standing with father when he came out, and he shook hands with him, and looked at me as if I'd been an entire stranger."

"We've done about all we can; the rest of it's up to him." "I reckon so," agreed Jessup. "I never met up with him, but they say he's a good skate. Perilla's some little jaunt from here, though. Yuh thinkin' of riding all the way?" "Why not? It'll be quicker in the end than going to Harpswell and taking the train. We'll likely need the cayuses, too, when we get there.

Fifty yards off she shot up into the wind and prepared to launch a boat. They could read the name on her starboard bow. "The Grade King," spelled Spurling. "I know her. She's a Harpswell vessel. Come out to seine herring. Bet she left Portland early this morning. Her captain's Silas Greenlaw; he used to sail with Uncle Tom. He'll use us O. K."

The extended and unexplored ledges of granite which rise from the shores of the ocean at Harpswell in Maine, and stretch north-westward for nearly a hundred miles, quite to the base of the White Mountain group, are not only rich in beryls, but they contain many of the rarest minerals known to the mineralogist.

After a few moments, he rose up moodily, and saying that he was very much fatigued, he went into the house to retire. Mr. Adams rose to go also, and Moses might have felt in a more Christian frame of mind, had he listened to the last words of the conversation between him and Mara. "Do you remain long in Harpswell?" she asked. "That depends on circumstances," he replied.

Mara remembered that time in her girlhood when she had followed Moses into the woods on just such a night, how she had sat there under the shadows of the trees, and looked over to Harpswell and noticed the white houses and the meeting-house, all so bright and clear in the moonlight, and then off again on the other side of the island where silent ships were coming and going in the mysterious stillness.

Miss Roxy and Miss Ruey Toothacre were two brisk old bodies of the feminine gender and singular number, well known in all the region of Harpswell Neck and Middle Bay, and such was their fame that it had even reached the town of Brunswick, eighteen miles away.

In Harpswell, Maine, the old meeting-house, like that described, when abandoned as a house of worship, was sold to the town for one hundred dollars and is still in use as a town-house.