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The scene flashed past her like the half-sensed panorama of a hideous dream. She dared not look over her shoulder, but she could hear his heavy steps falling closer and closer. "He can run faster than I," she thought; and a dreadful sinking clutched her heart. She hazarded a fearful glance at the water below. The man's fingers clawed at her back.

An axe seemed a likely weapon, so, picking it up, I slid into the bushes at the point where Sami had come out of them. Perfect serenity was there! The afternoon light lay golden on the moss above the fallen trees. No hidden scurrying in the underbrush told of wild, wood things hastening to safety from some half-sensed danger.

Early into the job he knew that it would not make him into this vague, nebulous concept of a man that he only half-sensed even if fully and wistfully desired; so he was lost now as he was lost then.

The sudden crack of a rifle-shot snapped from the arcade, and a puff of rock-dust flew from the corner of the Ka'aba, not two feet from the major's head. "Come on, men!" cried the major. "Away!" Some latent mysticism had been stirred in him; some vague, half-sensed superstition.

Teddy tucked away for the night, she would dream over a half-sensed book. Why make the bed she was so soon to get into? Why wash the dishes now rather than wait until she was in her comfortable wrapper? She went back to her old habit of nibbling candy as she read. The jolly little Bohemian suppers she had foreseen never became a reality.

She shivered as a half-sensed intuition of impending tragedy shot through her. "You you make me feel as if I were a judge and called upon to pronounce sentence upon some one," she said and tried to pass the situation off with a little laugh as she added, "Really, it isn't fair!"

He did not understand even yet that the terrific conflagration, far more stupendous than any ever known in the old days, had even heated the streams and killed there the very fish themselves. Yet already a vague, half-sensed uneasiness had begun to creep over him not yet a definite presentiment of disaster, but rather a subconscious feeling that the odds against him were too great.