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He rushed to the door, hoping to escape that way; but the Groac'h, who had heard everything, met him on the threshold. Instantly she threw the steel net over his head, and the eyes of a little green frog peeped through the meshes. 'You shall go and play with the rest, she said, carrying him off to the fish-pond.

As soon as the young man had recovered from his surprise, he prepared to jump into the lake and swim to shore. But the bird had guessed his intentions, and plunged beneath the water, carrying Houarn with him to the palace of the Groac'h. Now, unless you have been under the sea and beheld all the wonders that lie there, you can never have an idea what the Groac'h's palace was like.

'Oh! don't say no, for I have fallen deeply in love with you. 'Well, I won't say "No," replied Bellah, with a laugh, 'but you must promise first to let me catch one of those lovely fish in your net. 'It is not so easy as it looks, rejoined the Groac'h, smiling, 'but take it, and try your luck.

Bellah took the net which the Groac'h held out, and, turning rapidly, flung it over the witch's head. 'Become in body what you are in soul! cried she, and in an instant the lovely fairy of the sea was a toad, horrible to look upon. She struggled hard to tear the net asunder, but it was no use.

I see I must go further, and he walked on to Pont-aven, a pretty little town built on the bank of a river. He was sitting on a bench outside an inn, when he heard two men who were loading their mules talking about the Groac'h of the island of Lok. 'What is a Groac'h? asked he.

'Then the sooner it is done the better, said the Groac'h, and gave orders to her servants. After that was finished, she begged Houarn to accompany her to a fish-pond at the bottom of the garden. 'Come lawyer, come miller, come tailor, come singer! cried she, holding out a net of steel; and at each summons a fish appeared and jumped into the net.

'Oh! don't say no, for I have fallen deeply in love with you. 'Well, I won't say "No," replied Bellah, with a laugh, 'but you must promise first to let me catch one of those lovely fish in your net. 'It is not so easy as it looks, rejoined the Groac'h, smiling, 'but take it, and try your luck.

'Poor little cock! she said, 'and how am I to deliver you? 'By delivering Houarn, who is in the power of the Groac'h. 'Ah! tell me how I can manage that, and if I have to walk round the whole of Brittany on my bended knees I will do it! 'Well, first you must dress yourself as a young man, and then go and seek the Groac'h.

Unseen by the Groac'h, Bellah hid it in a pocket of her green coat, and then followed her hostess into the garden, and to the pond which contained the fish, their sides shining with a thousand different colours. 'Oh! what beautiful, beautiful creatures! said she.

Unseen by the Groac'h, Bellah hid it in a pocket of her green coat, and then followed her hostess into the garden, and to the pond which contained the fish, their sides shining with a thousand different colours. 'Oh! what beautiful, beautiful creatures! said she.