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Updated: August 11, 2024

"That was right, too," said Thaddeus; "but those fellows will never let me hear the end of that infernal Grimmins story. I almost wish we " "You wish what, Teddy dear?" "I almost wish we had not attempted the tipsy-cake, and had stuck to my original suggestion," said Thaddeus. "What was that?" Bessie asked.

He er he used to be butler in my grandfather's house in Philadelphia, and er and I was there a great deal of the time as a boy, and Grimmins and I were great friends.

"What on earth is the story of Grimmins, Thaddeus?" she asked, as the door closed upon the departing guests. Thaddeus threw himself wearily down upon the sofa and explained. He told her all he had said about the butler and the cook. "That's the story of Grimmins," he said, when he had finished.

"What's his name?" asked Phillips. Thaddeus's mind was a blank. He could not for the life of him think what name a butler would be likely to have, but in a moment he summoned up nerve enough to speak. "Grimmins," he said, desperately. "Sounds like a Dickens' character," said Robinson. "Does he cost you very much?"

When my grandfather died Grimmins disappeared, and until last month I never heard a word of him, and then he wrote to me stating that he was out of work and poor as a fifty-cent table- d'hote dinner, and would like employment at nominal wages if he could get a home with it. We were just getting rid of our waitress, and so I offered Grimmins thirty a month, board, lodging, and clothes.

"Thaddeus," said Bessie to her husband as they sat at breakfast one morning, shortly after the royal banquet over which "Grimmins" had presided, "did you hear anything strange in the house last night? Something like a footstep in the hall?" "No," said Thaddeus. "I slept like a top last night. I didn't hear anything. Did you?" "I thought so," said Bessie.

Thaddeus's troubles were set going again when he overheard Phillips saying to Bessie, "Thaddeus has been telling us the remarkable story of Grimmins." Nor were his woes lightened any when he caught Bessie's reply: "Indeed? What story is that?" "Why, the story of the butler Grimmins, you know. How you came to get him, and all that," said Phillips. "Really, you are to be congratulated."

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