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This, too, was evident from the inscription writ on card or parchment, and sewed on the bag. It first ran "Count Ludwig de Hombourg, Jerusalem;" but the name of the Holy City had been dashed out with the pen, and that of "Godesberg" substituted.

"As the matter concerns me not, I pray you let me pass," said Gottfried. "The matter DOES concern thee, Gottfried of Godesberg. Liar and traitor! art thou coward, too?" "Holy Saint Buffo! As soon as the word "coward" had been pronounced by Sir Ludwig, his opponent, uttering a curse far too horrible to be inscribed here, had wheeled back his powerful piebald, and brought his lance to the rest.

Gentles, an ye will, ye shall hear it. Fair dames and damsels, may your loves be as happy as those of the heroine of this romaunt. On the cold and rainy evening of Thursday, the 26th of October, in the year previously indicated, such travellers as might have chanced to be abroad in that bitter night, might have remarked a fellow-wayfarer journeying on the road from Oberwinter to Godesberg.

If you walk on the high road between Bonn and Godesberg which is not far distant, you perceive on the left side, shimmering white amid the green woodland, a high pillar crowned with a cross known as the "High Cross."

At Godesberg the romantic ruins of which stronghold the traveller still regards with interest, placed as it is in the midst of that enchanting region where Drachenfels looks down on the crumbling tower of Roland and the convent of Nonnenwerth the unfortunate Gebhard had sustained a conclusive defeat.

'Marry, that the rank is but the stamp of the guinea; the man is the gold. And I tell thee, Karl of Godesberg, that yonder Gottfried is base metal." "By Saint Buffo, thou beliest him, dear Ludwig." "By Saint Bugo, dear Karl, I say sooth. The fellow was known i' the camp of the crusaders disreputably known.

"Can you mend that, young springald?" said he, as a shout rent the air at his success, as Helen turned pale to think that the champion of her secret heart was likely to be overcome, and as Squintoff, pocketing the Rowski's money, turned to the noble boy of Godesberg. "Has anybody got a pea?" asked the lad.

The pourpoint worn by young Otto of Godesberg was of blue, handsomely decorated with buttons of carved and embossed gold; his haut-de-chausses, or leggings, were of the stuff of Nanquin, then brought by the Lombard argosies at an immense price from China.

"Art thou noble, Sir Knight?" asked the Prince of Cleves. "As noble as yourself," answered the kneeling steel. "Who answers for thee?" "I, Karl, Margrave of Godesberg, his father!" said the knight on the right hand, lifting up his visor. "And I Ludwig, Count of Hombourg, his godfather!" said the knight on the left, doing likewise. The kneeling knight lifted up his visor now, and looked on Helen.

Hunting horns and trumpets sounded through the green forest which extended at that time from the town of Godesberg to the gates of Bonn. This huge wood abounded in noble game. The two brothers were indulging together in the pleasures of the chase, as they had done so often in their father's life-time. Count Erich had gladly accepted his brother's invitation to accompany him.