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And to think that these noble animals, big and black and beautifully gaited, had been bought with Judson Eells' own money; while he, poor fool, sent Lynch out after him on a miserable Indian cayuse. Wunpost's road was always plain, for where he went they must follow, but at every rocky point or granite-strewn flat they must circle and cut for his trail.

"That," said Jim, with an extraordinary bitterness, "is already a gaited hoss. He has fo' gaits now." "Four gaits," repeated Bill, incredulously. "I'm in the stink wagon business. I ain't aiming to buy no hosses. What four gaits you claim he's got?" "Start, stumble, fall down and git up," said Jim.

"Too gaited for me at this time of the month," he said; "but I'll lay you a hundred dollars on the issue." "Five if you like, on the Virginian, sir," said young Belknap of the Ninth to Orme. "Done, and done, gentlemen. Let it be dollars and not guineas if you like. Would any one else like to lay a little something?

In the horse exhibit the following classes are provided: Percheron, Belgian, Clydesdale, Shire, Suffolk-Punch, Standard Trotter, Thoroughbred, Saddle Horses, Morgan, Hackney, Arabian, Shetland Pony, Welch Pony, Roadsters, Carriage Horses, Ponies in Harness, Draft Horses, Hunters, Jumpers, and Gaited Saddle Horses.

"We'll git there by noon, and you ain't got nuthin' to ride." The horseman answered: "Suvy's the prettiest gaited thing you ever saw when he gaits." "Holy toads!" said the older man apprehensively, "you ain't sure-a-goin' to tackle the outlaw today?" "I've always felt we'd come to it soon or late," was Van's reply. "And I've got to have a horse this afternoon. We can't kill each other but once."

It was no good trying to work up Speed on a half-mile track in the Prairie Loam. Once in a while Claudine made a bold Sashay to start something devilish, but the Fillies trained on the Farm did not seem gaited for the Grand Circuit. As for the Servant Problem, it was something ferocious.

An' Lord knows, that girl down there is handsome as ever looked through a bridle, and kind as she is handsome. I've seen her now, reg'lar, in my trips down there for quite a while, an' I promise you, she's a thoroughbred, an' high strung, but as even gaited as ever stepped. Yes, sir!" "She is all that, I think, Sam," said Franklin soberly. "Then it's a go, Cap?"

Students of the folk-lore of the United States of America are no doubt familiar with the quaint old story of Clarence MacFadden. Clarence MacFadden, it seems, was 'wishful to dance, but his feet wasn't gaited that way. So he sought a professor and asked him his price, and said he was willing to pay.

Furthermo'" and here he favored his flattered listener with a confidential and a meaning wink "he got sense 'nuff, Jeffy has, to know w'en he's crowded plum out of the runnin' by somebody w'ich is mo' swiftly gaited 'en whut he is, an' natchelly he crave to stand in well wid a winner.